Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 275
(Centro de Estudios para la Gestión Pública, 2020)
Conferencia en la CEPAL de Justin Lin, Vicepresidente Senior y Economista Jefe del Banco Mundial [álbum fotográfico]
(CEPAL, 2012-05-14)
El Vicepresidente Senior y Economista Jefe del Banco Mundial, Justin Yifu Lin, dictó el 14 de mayo en la sede de esta comisión regional de las Naciones Unidas una conferencia titulada "China's Rise and Leaving the Middle-Income ...
Alta dirección pública latinoamericana: marchas y contramarchasLatin American senior executive service: advances and setbacks
(Centro de Estudios en Gestión y Política Pública, 2017-12)
En América Latina son escasos los estudios que han abordado sistemáticamente los procesos de institucionalización de sistemas de alta dirección pública. Este artículo presenta un análisis actualizado de la situación de ...
Latin American art history: An historiographic turn
(Bloomsbury Publishing Plc., 2017-04)
This series of research seminars, organized in Colombia, Argentina, and Brazil, focused on Latin American and United States Latino art from 1960 to 1990. It challenges the dominant narrative of modernism that places Latin ...
Feasibility of Introducing English as a Partial Medium of Instruction in Iranian Senior High SchoolsViabilidad de la introducción del inglés como medio parcial de instrucción en las escuelas secundarias iraníes
(Dirección de Publicaciones, 2020)
The use of Content and Language Integrated Learning has been increasing in many European countries simultaneous to the use of English as a medium of instruction in the non-Anglophone countries due to globalization and ...
CIAM Centro Diurno Integral para el Adulto Mayor
(Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica., 2017)
Today, a relevant topic in the increase in the senior population, in which architecture is one of the disciplines that play a fundamental role. This change in the demographic structure does not occur only in developed ...
COVID-19 case fatality risk by age and gender in a high testing setting in Latin America: Chile, March–August 2020
Early severity estimates of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are critically needed to assess the potential impact of the ongoing pandemic in different ...
The aplication of the Notion of Indirect Perpetration trough organised Structures of Power in Latin-America and Spain
In a number of cases before Latin American courts, the notion of indirect perpetration through organized structures of power has been applied after the Juntas Trial. These include several cases relating to crimes committed ...
Sustainable development: Latin American and Caribbean perspectives
(ECLAC, 2001-10)
This publication is a result of a Regional Consultative Meeting on Sustainable Development in Latin America and the Caribbean held at the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) in Santiago, Chile, ...