Mostrando ítems 1-7 de 7
La causa essendi como verdadera causa metafísica en el Avicenna latinusThe Causa Essendi as the Real Metaphysical Cause in the Avicenna Latinus
(Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2011)
As transformações de Avicena do De anima de Aristóteles: sobre a alma racional
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2016-09-19)
The following pages are about Avicennas transformations of Aristotles De anima. This research was moved by the necessity of demonstrating the relation between Avicenna, an author belonging de Medieval Arabic tradition, and ...
Avicena en el surgimiento y desarrollo de la Escolástica Latina
(Editorial UNSTA, 2012)
Protocolo de linea activa ONTOLOGÍA LATINOAMERICANA
Object of the line of research: The problem of being as being. Our object of study is none other than the same one that answers the question formulated by Aristotle twenty-five centuries ago: what is being? (1028 b 4). ...
O estatuto transcendente das perfectiones simpliciter na metafísica de João Duns Scotus
(Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do SulPorto Alegre, 2013)
This PhD thesis aims to defend the transcendent status of pure perfections. In order to confirm our hypothesis, this study adopts the following route: in the introduction, we present the main elements of metaphysics before ...
O estatuto transcendente das perfectiones simpliciter na metafísica de João Duns Scotus
(Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do SulPorto Alegre, 2013)
This PhD thesis aims to defend the transcendent status of pure perfections. In order to confirm our hypothesis, this study adopts the following route: in the introduction, we present the main elements of metaphysics before ...
La relación hombre mundo en El Ser y la Nada de Jean Paul Sartre
(Universidad Santo TomásLicenciatura en Filosofía y Lengua CastellanaFacultad de Filosofía y Letras, 2016)
The present work intends to make a transitory journey regarding the relationship of man in front of the world, as he is a "being thrown into the world", a "being-there". In which three types of relationships intervene, ...