Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 162
ICT Industries and Smart Cities: South Korea as Technological Link with Latin AmericaIndustrias TIC y Smart Cities: Corea del Sur como enlace tecnológico con Latinoamérica
(Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales. Instituto de Relaciones Internacionales, 2020)
In recent years, South Korea has become a world benchmark in e-Government, ICT policies and Smart Cities, and has pursued a strong policy of assistance and consultation aimed especially at developing countries. In 2010, ...
ICT industries and smart cities: South Korea as technological link with Latin America
(Instituto de Relaciones Internacionales; Korea Fundation, 2020)
Las smart cities latinas. Factores que impiden su desarrolloLatin smart cities. Factors that prevent its development
(Ciencia Digital Editorial, 2022)
Review of innovative proposals for mobility in public transportation in Latin America for the transformation to sustainable smart citiesRevisión de propuestas innovadoras de movilidad en el transporte público en Latinoamérica para la transformación a ciudades inteligentes sustentables
(Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, 2020)
Towards a measuring framework for knowledge creation in smart cities
(Colombia, 2020)
This article investigates the implications of general models of smart sustainable cities (SSC) on the indicators and measurement frameworks that we use to study them. We first investigate the mainstream theory of SSC and ...
Análisis de la ciudad de Cuenca en el contexto de “Ciudad Inteligente”
(Universidad de Cuenca, 2023-07-13)
There are certain criteria to categorize cities as smart cities, in this context this study aimed to
analyze whether the city of Cuenca has the necessary attributes to be formally recognized as a
smart city. The research ...
Developing and applying a smart city for development model: the case of COR in Rio de Janeiro
Purpose: The present thesis addresses how smart city initiatives can positively impact development, with a special emphasis on developing countries in Latin America. Existing definitions and maturity models have a very ...