Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 129
Latent dirichlet allocation model for world trade analysis
(Public Library of Science, 2021-02-04)
International trade is one of the classic areas of study in economics. Its empirical analysis is a complex problem, given the amount of products, countries and years. Nowadays, given the availability of data, the tools ...
"Search and classify topics in a corpus of text using the latent dirichlet allocation model"
(Institute of Advanced Engineering and ScienceID, 2022-11-18)
"This work aims at discovering topics in a text corpus and classifying the most
relevant terms for each of the discovered topics. The process was performed
in four steps: first, document extraction and data processing; ...
Search and classify topics in a corpus of text using the latent dirichlet allocation model
(Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2023)
This work aims at discovering topics in a text corpus and classifying the most relevant terms for each of the discovered topics. The process was performed in four steps: first, document extraction and data processing; ...
Uma análise dos tweets de pré-candidatos a presidência do Brasil: aplicação do algoritmo de Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2022-03-11)
O Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) é um modelo generativo para grupos de dados discretos como corpus de texto. Modelos generativos são aqueles que aleatoriamente geram os dados a partir das variáveis latentes. Nesse estudo ...
Modelado de tópicos, una revisión sistemática de la literatura científica de Latent Dirichlet Allocation LDA.
(Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ingeniería Industrial. Carrera de Ingeniería Industrial., 2023-03-24)
El propósito del presente trabajo de investigación es realizar un análisis bibliométrico de la literatura científica de las bases de datos Scopus, ScienceDirect y Web of Science para la extracción de los artículos de los ...
The right to be forgotten in the media: a data-driven study
Topic modeling applied to business research: A latent dirichlet allocation (LDA)-based classification for organization studies
(SpringerCH, 2019)
More than 1.5 million academic documents are published each year, and this trend shows an incremental tendency for the following years. One of the main challenges for the academic community is how to organize this huge ...
Search and classify topics in a corpus of text using the latent dirichlet allocation model
(Institute of Advanced Engineering and SciencePE, 2023-01-25)
This work aims at discovering topics in a text corpus and classifying the most
relevant terms for each of the discovered topics. The process was performed
in four steps: first, document extraction and data processing; ...
On the equivalence between algorithms for non-negative matrix factorization and latent Dirichlet allocation
(European Neural Network Society - ENNSBruges, 2016-04)
LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation ) and NMF (Non-negative Matrix Factorization) are two popular techniques to extract topics in a textual document corpus. This paper shows that NMF with Kullback-Leibler divergence approximate ...