Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 691
Los cosecha tardía: la importancia de ser late harvestthe late harvest: the importance of being a late harvest
(Pautas Comunicaciones, 20020800)
Effects of alfalfa haylage harvesting systems on dry matter intake and feeding behaviour of East Friesland ewes in late pregnancy
(Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, Universidad Austral de Chile, 2009)
Acrotomopus atropunctellus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Preference for Large Sugarcane Shoots Mitigates Damage to Sugarcane Crop
(Florida Entomological Society, 2017-09)
The sugarcane weevil, Acrotomopus atropunctellus (Boheman) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is an increasingly important sugarcane pest in Argentina. Its emergence period overlaps with early stages of sugarcane phenology. This ...
Nitrogen utilization efficiency in maize as affected by hybrid and N rate in late-sown crops
(Elsevier Science, 2014-11)
After the introduction of Bt-maize, late sowing is becoming an important strategy to stabilize yields in many areas of the Argentine Pampas. Increased nitrogen (N) availability and sharp reduction in radiation and temperature ...
Effects of thinning and growing season on sugar and organic acid profiles of a late nectarine variety at harvest and storage
Fruit quality involves a series of traits including size, texture, flavor and aroma, which are
32 genotype-dependent but can be altered by pre-harvest factors, agronomical practices and
33 post-harvest treatments. Thinning ...
Sugarcane Yield and Yield Components as Affected by Harvest Time
(Springer, 2021-08)
Brazil is the largest sugarcane producing country in the world. Mills usually operate nine months to process the sugarcane produced in the country. Here we investigated the effect of harvest time on the on-farm sugarcane ...
Sustainable harvest or resource depression? Using ancient DNA to study the population dynamics of guanaco in western Argentina during the Holocene
(Academic Press Ltd - Elsevier Science Ltd, 2021-05-23)
Zooarchaeologists have relied upon various approaches to study the impacts of harvest pressure and environmental change on ungulate populations, such as analysis of prey mortality patterns and morphometrics. Analysis of ...