Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 358
Late Carboniferous postglacial brachiopod faunas in the Southwestern Gondwana margin
(Elsevier, 2016-11)
The glaciomarine sediments related to the Late Paleozoic Ice Age (LPIA), have an excellent stratigraphic record in Argentina, particular those associated to the Late Carboniferous glacial episode identified along the ...
A stratigraphic chart of the Late Carboniferous/Permian succession of the eastern border of the Parana Basin, Brazil, South America
(Pergamon-Elsevier B.V. Ltd, 2010-03-01)
Sequence stratigraphy, lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy of the Late Carboniferous/Permian succession of the eastern border of the Parana Basin are organized in the form of a detailed chart in order to provide a useful ...
A stratigraphic chart of the Late Carboniferous/Permian succession of the eastern border of the Parana Basin, Brazil, South America
(Pergamon-Elsevier B.V. Ltd, 2010-03-01)
Sequence stratigraphy, lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy of the Late Carboniferous/Permian succession of the eastern border of the Parana Basin are organized in the form of a detailed chart in order to provide a useful ...
Bivalves and brachiopods in the Carboniferous - Early Permian of Argentine Precordillera: Diversification and faunal turnover in Southwestern Gondwana
(Universidad de Barcelona, 2010-12)
Diversification patterns and faunistic turnovers of bivalves and brachiopods through the Carboniferous - Early Permian interval in the central western Argentinian basins are analyzed and compared with the global events ...
Late Carboniferous miospores from the Tarma Formation, Pongo de Mainique, Peru
(Elsevier Science, 2002-12)
For the first time, a palynologic assemblage is described from the upper section of the Tarma Formation, Peru. It is dominated by monosaccate pollen grains with subordinate striate grains and very few spores. The abundance ...
A stratigraphic chart of the Late Carboniferous/Permian succession of the eastern border of the Parana Basin, Brazil, South America
(Pergamon-Elsevier B.V. Ltd, 2014)
The Crassispora kosankei-Cystoptychus azcuyi palynozone of the Upper Carboniferous Tupambi Formation, Tarija Basin, northern Argentina
(Elsevier Science, 2002-12)
Well-preserved and diverse palynomorph assemblages were recovered from surface and core samples from the middle to upper section of the Tupambi Formation. The latter is the basal unit of the Machareti Group (Upper ...
Yagonia Roberts (Brachiopoda: Chonetidina) from the Malimán Formation, Lower Carboniferous of western Argentina: Palaeobiogeographical implications
(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2009-12)
A new anoplid chonetid species, Yagonia furquei sp. nov., is described from the Lower Carboniferous (late Tournaisian-early Visean) Maliman Formation of western Argentina. The associated temperate 'Malimanian' fauna is ...
Are regional stages necessary?
(Subcommission on Carboniferous Stratigraphy, 2005-12)
The bipartition of the Carboniferous System adopted by the International Commission of Stratigraphy for the world stratigraphic chart is impractical in Gondwana. Correlation with thePaleoequatorialrealm, from the Late ...
El género Histosyrinx Massa, Termier y Termier, 1974 (Septosyringothyridinae, Brachiopoda) en el Carbonífero Tardío de ArgentinaThe genus Histosyrinx Massa, Termier y Termier, 1974 (Septosyringothyridinae, Brachiopoda) from the Late Carboniferous of Argentina
(Asociación Geológica Argentina, 2005-12)
Se reasignan Septosyringothyris jaguelensis Lech y S. jaguensis Lech y Aceñolaza al género Histosyrinx Massa, Termier y Termier, presentes en las sedimentitas marinas del Carbonífero Superior del Centro Oeste de Argentina. ...