Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 228
A note on some new classes of constitutive relations for elastic bodies
(Oxford University Press, 2014)
The class of elastic bodies, that is bodies incapable of dissipation in whatever motion that they undergo,
has been significantly enlarged recently (see Rajagopal 2003, On implicit constitutive theories. Appl.
Math., 48, ...
Some universal solutions for a class of incompressible elastic body that is not green elastic: the case of large elastic deformations
(Oxford University Press, 2020)
Some universal solutions are studied for a new class of elastic bodies, wherein the Hencky strain tensor is assumed to be a function of the Kirchhoff stress tensor, considering in particular the case of assuming the bodies ...
A Finite Element Model for Inverse Design Problems in Large Deformations Anisotropic Hyperelasticity
(John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2008-12)
This paper introduces a finite element model for the inverse design of pieces with large displacements in the elastic range. The problem consists in determining the initial shape of the piece, such that it attains the ...
Finite element modelling of inverse design problems in large deformations anisotropic hyperelasticity
(John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2008-12)
This paper introduces a finite element model for the inverse design of pieces with large displacements in the elastic range. The problem consists in determining the initial shape of the piece, such that it attains the ...
A new method to design compliant mechanisms based on the inverse beam finite element model
(Elsevier, 2013-02)
The motivation of this work is to introduce the inverse finite element method (IFEM) as a new method for the design of compliant mechanisms that must fit a prescribed shape after undergoing large elastic deformations under ...
A principal axis formulation for nonlinear magnetoelastic deformations: Isotropic bodies
(Elsevier, 2015)
In this work a new set of principal axis invariants is proposed in order to study the problem of considering large magneto-elastic deformations, for bodies that are isotropic in the un-deformed configuration when no external ...
Inverse finite element modeling of shells using the degenerate solid approach
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2015-06)
The Inverse Finite Element Method (IFEM) for degenerate solid shells is introduced. IFEM allows determining the undeformed shape of a body (in this case, a shell-like body) such that it attains a desired shape after large ...
Towards the stabilization of the low density elements in topology optimization with large deformation
(Belin, 2013-12-03)
This work addresses the treatment of lower density regions of structures undergoing large deformations during the design process by the topology optimization method (TOM) based on the finite element method. During the ...
Improved robustness for nearly-incompressible large deformation meshfree simulations on Delaunay tessellations
(Elsevier, 2015)
A displacement-based Galerkin meshfree method for large deformation analysis of nearly-incompressible elastic solids is presented. Nodal discretization of the domain is defined by a Delaunay tessellation (three-node triangles ...
Dynamical regimes of lipids in additivated liposomes with enhanced elasticity: A field-cycling NMR relaxometry approach
(Elsevier Science, 2017-09)
We study the molecular dynamics of lipids in binary large unilamellar liposomes suspended in D2O composed of 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DMPC) or soy phosphatidylcholine (SPC) additivated with different ...