Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 3569
Landscape origins in Augustin Berque: landscaping thought and landscape thinking
(Univ Federal Fluminense, 2018-12-01)
The geographer Augustin Berque dedicated most of his work in the study of landscape, having phenomenology as one of his bases of thought. For him, the landscape is one of the many ways of expression of the relationship ...
The historical dimension as a guide-tool identification and reading wine landscape character of Mendoza, Argentina
(IJAER Research Publishing, 2016-03)
The wine landscape of the province of Mendoza is characterized by an integrating heterogeneity and active, own agricultural production activity dynamism. This is considered as a cultural heritage and a provincial collective ...
LandScape Corridors (lscorridors): a new software package for modelling ecological corridors based on landscape patterns and species requirements
Maintaining connectivity is one of the main challenges for biodiversity conservation world-wide. Ecological corridors are important to maintain landscape connectivity, but their efficiency depends on landscape patterns and ...
Changes in agriculture-biodiversity trade-offs in relation to landscape context in the Argentine Chaco
(Springer, 2021-03)
Better balancing agricultural production and biodiversity conservation is a central goal formany landscapes. Yet, empirical work on how to best achieve such a balance has focused mainly on the local scale, thereby disregarding ...
On the Systematic Analysis of Process Landscape Method Implementation Using Grounded Theory
Process Landscapes are critical elements towards the systematic management of a process portfolio, representing its process architecture from a high-level perspective. Consequently, a wide range of methods to generate ...
Sacred landscape for a global approach
The sacred values of the landscape and their meaning depend on the cultural contexts
of reference that over time have consolidated or modified traditions, rituals and
The sacredness of the landscape has no ...
Understanding landscape-primary productivity and biodiversity relationship through graph metrics
Besides landscape ecological studies, the traditional approach to trying to understand
ecological processes that occur in a landscape is the use of spatial statistics. However,
this does not take into account that many of ...
A Framework to Optimize Biodiversity Restoration Efforts Based on Habitat Amount and Landscape Connectivity
The effectiveness of ecological restoration actions toward biodiversity conservation depends on both local and landscape constraints. Extensive information on local constraints is already available, but few studies consider ...
A Framework to Optimize Biodiversity Restoration Efforts Based on Habitat Amount and Landscape Connectivity
The effectiveness of ecological restoration actions toward biodiversity conservation depends on both local and landscape constraints. Extensive information on local constraints is already available, but few studies consider ...
Linguistic landscape as a language learning and literacy resource in Caribbean Creole contexts
(School of Education, UWI, St. Augustine, 2014)
Linguistic landscape (LL) refers to multimodal texts displayed in public places and spaces. It encompasses the range of language use in a speech community. This paper applies aspects of the concept of LL to Caribbean Creole ...