Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 44
An augmented Lagrangian technique combined with a mortar algorithm for modelling mechanical contact problems
(Wiley, 2013-01)
A finite element formulation for three dimensional (3D) contact mechanics using a mortar algorithm combined with a mixed penalty-duality formulation from an augmented Lagrangian approach is presented. In this method, no ...
A Relax-and-Cut algorithm for the set partitioning problem
(Pergamon-elsevier Science LtdOxfordInglaterra, 2008)
A unified view on the optimal solutions to the threemoments portfolio problem
(Escola de Pós-Graduação em Economia da FGV, 2022-09)
This paper brings new results and deeper insights in characterizing the set of solutions to the portfolio selection problem for n risky assets and a riskless one, considering the three first moments and allowing short ...
Some aspects of self-duality and generalised BPS theories
(SpringerHeidelberg, 2013-08)
If a scalar eld theory in (1+1) dimensions possesses soliton solutions obeying rst order BPS equations, then, in general, it is possible to nd an in nite number of related eld theories with BPS solitons which obey closely ...
Tinkertoys for the E-6 theory
(Springer, 2015-09-01)
Compactifying the 6-dimensional (2,0) superconformal field theory, of type ADE, on a Riemann surface, C, with codimension-2 defect operators at points on C, yields a 4-dimensional N = 2 superconformal field theory. An ...
Lagrangian Relaxation for an Inventory Location Problem with Periodic Inventory Control and Stochastic Capacity Constraints
We studied a joint inventory location problem assuming a periodic review for inventory control. A single plant supplies a set of products tomultiple warehouses and they serve a set of customers or retailers.The problem ...
A mortar method combined with an augmented Lagrangian approach for treatment of mechanical contact problems
(Springer, 2014)
This work presents a mixed penalty-duality formulation from an augmented Lagrangian approach for treating the contact inequality constraints. The augmented Lagrangian approach allows to regularize the non differentiable ...
(Siam PublicationsPhiladelphiaEUA, 2012)
Higher grading conformal affine Toda theory and (generalized) sine-Gordon/massive Thirring duality
Some properties of the higher grading integrable generalizations of the conformal affine Toda systems are studied. The fields associated to the non-zero grade generators are Dirac spinors. The effective action is written ...
Higher grading conformal affine Toda theory and (generalized) sine-Gordon/massive Thirring duality
Some properties of the higher grading integrable generalizations of the conformal affine Toda systems are studied. The fields associated to the non-zero grade generators are Dirac spinors. The effective action is written ...