Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 39
Daniel Lagache: 1903-1972
(Arquivos Brasileiros de Psicologia AplicadaArquivos brasileiros de psicologia aplicadaArquivos Brasileiros de Psicologia Aplicada, 1973)
Revista Centro. Vol. 13
(cefyl, 1959)
Resumen: Ismael Viñas, “Brujas en la Argentina”, pp. 3-7. Oscar Masotta, “Roberto Arlt. II – La plancha de metal”, pp. 9-42. Jorge Raúl Lafforgue, “Las avispas”, pp. 43-44. Marcelo N. Abadi, “La cobardía”, pp. 45-49. Juan ...
GOODS-ALMA 2.0: Source catalog, number counts, and prevailing compact sizes in 1.1 mm galaxies
Submillimeter/millimeter observations of dusty star-forming galaxies with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) have shown that dust continuum emission generally occurs in compact regions smaller than the ...
The hidden side of cosmic star formation at z > 3 Bridging optically dark and Lyman-break galaxies with GOODS-ALMA
Our current understanding of the cosmic star formation history at z > 3 is primarily based on UV-selected galaxies (Lyman-break galaxies, i.e., LBGs). Recent studies of H-dropouts (HST-dark galaxies) have revealed that we ...
The hidden side of cosmic star formation at z > 3 Bridging optically dark and Lyman-break galaxies with GOODS-ALMA
(Wiley, 2023)
Our current understanding of the cosmic star formation history at z > 3 is primarily based on UV-selected galaxies (Lyman-break galaxies, i.e., LBGs). Recent studies of H-dropouts (HST-dark galaxies) have revealed that we ...