Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 119
(International Journal of applied mathematics and computer science, Vol. 21, No. 2, 2011)
We introduce the concept of a Lyapunov game as a subclass of strictly dominated games and potential games. The advantage of this approach is that every ergodic system (repeated game) can be represented by a Lyapunov-like ...
A straightforward method for tuning of Lyapunov-based controllers in semi-active vibration control applications
(Elsevier, 2013-11-15)
Lyapunov-based control is an attractive strategy for semi-active vibration control as it has a mathematical basis ensuring stability in the sense of Lyapunov and great flexibility in the design. Unfortunately, that flexibility ...
Stabilization of the Furuta Pendulum by Means of the Direct lyapunov
The furuta pendulum is stabilized using a nonlinear controller, based on a partial feedback linearization. First only the actuated coordinate of the turuta pendulum is linearized. Then, the stabilizing feedback controller ...
Stability theory
This chapter presents the study of the stability theory for generalized ordinary differential equations (ODEs). The results on the stability of the trivial solution in the framework of the generalized ODE are inspired in ...
Comments on "Fractional order Lyapunov stability theorem and its applications in synchronization of complex dynamical networks"
(Elsevier, 2015)
© 2015 Elsevier B.V. This letter shows an incorrect application of the chain rule for fractional order derivatives reported in paper (Chen et al., 2014). Due to this misleading application, the proof of Theorem 2 and Theorem ...
Comments on ‘‘Fractional order Lyapunov stability theorem and its applications in synchronization of complex dynamical networks’’
(Elsevier, 2015)
This letter shows an incorrect application of the chain rule for fractional order derivatives
reported in paper (Chen et al., 2014). Due to this misleading application, the proof of
Theorem 2 and Theorem 5 in Chen et ...
Métodos de resolução da equação de Lyapunov e aplicações em redução de modelo
Neste trabalho nós tratamos de métodos de resolução da equação de Lyapunov AP+PA^T=-BB^T, com A em R^(nxn) e B em R^(nxm). Num primeiro momento abordamos métodos já conhecidos na literatura como o método ADI (Alternating ...
Controle robusto chaveado de sistemas lineares e não lineares de ordem fracionária
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2018-05-04)
Neste trabalho apresentam-se condições descritas por desigualdades matriciais lineares, LMIs (do inglês: Linear Matrix Inequalities), para o projeto de controladores robustos para sistemas dinâmicos de ordem α ∈ [0,1). Os ...
Velocity Estimation by Using a State Reconstructor for Stabilizing a Two Degree of Freedom Mechanical Manipulator
(Computación y Sistemas, 2009)
Qualitative Behaviour Analysis of Feedback-Controlled Buck-Boost Power Converters Thru Three Different Techniques
(Escuela Politécnica Nacional, 2018)