Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 20
Biálgebras infinitesimales de multiplicadores y biálgebras de Lie de derivadores
En esta comunicación se estudiarán nuevas estructuras que pueden ser de interés como soporte algebraico de ejemplos conocidos y generalizaciones de estructuras “clásicas”. Estas estructuras son “bi álgebras infinitesimales ...
On pseudo-bialgebras
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2012-12)
We study pseudoalgebras from the point of view of pseudo-dual of classical Lie coalgebra structures. We define the notions of Lie H-coalgebra and Lie pseudo-bialgebra. We obtain the analog of the CYBE, the Manin triples ...
Grupoides y algebroides dobles de Lie /
En este trabajo demostramos que todo grupoide doble de Lie con acción medular propia esta completamente determinado por una factorización de un cierto grupoide de Lie diagonal canónicamente definido. Tambien, estudiamos ...
Three dimensional real Lie bialgebras
(Unión Matemática Argentina, 2015-04)
By different methods, we classify the real three dimensional Lie bialgebras and give their automorphism groups; in case of coboundary Lie bialgebras, the corresponding coboundaries r ∈Λ2g are listed.
Trivial central extensions of Lie bialgebras
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2013-09)
From a Lie algebra g satisfying Z(g)=0 and Λ2(g)g=0 (in particular, for g semisimple) we describe explicitly all Lie bialgebra structures on extensions of the form L=g×K{double-struck} in terms of Lie bialgebra structures ...
Lie bialgebra structures on 2-step nilpotent graph algebras
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2018-07)
We generalize a result on the Heisenberg Lie algebra that gives restrictions to possible Lie bialgebra cobrackets on 2-step nilpotent algebras with some additional properties. For the class of 2-step nilpotent Lie algebras ...
Estructuras de biálgebras de Lie sobre el álgebra de Lie de Heisenberg y el álgebra de polinomios truncados
(Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2020)
Espacio de palabras cíclicas y estructura de biálgebra de Lie
(UR. FC-CMAT, 2006)
Lie bialgebra structures on 2-step nilpotent graph algebras
(Elsevier, 2018)
Abstract: We generalize a result on the Heisenberg Lie algebra that gives restrictions to possible Lie bialgebra cobrackets on 2-step nilpotent algebras with some additional properties. For the class of 2-step nilpotent ...
Belavin–Drinfeld solutions of the Yang–Baxter equation: Galois cohomology considerations
(Springer, 2018-04)
We relate the Belavin–Drinfeld cohomologies (twisted and untwisted) that have been introduced in the literature to study certain families of quantum groups and Lie bialgebras over a non algebraically closed field K of ...