Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 55
Functional relationships between leaf hydraulics and leaf economics in response to nutrient addition in subtropical tree species
(Oxford Univ Press, 2013-11)
Leaves can be both a hydraulic bottleneck and a safety valve against hydraulic catastrophic dysfunctions, and thus changes in traits related to water movement in leaves and associated costs may be critical for the success ...
Quantifying turgor loss point and leaf water potential across contrasting Eucalyptus clones and sites within the TECHS research platform
Understanding the mechanisms governing drought tolerance in highly productive clonal Eucalyptus plantations in Brazil will become increasingly important with climate change driven increases in temperature and drought events. ...
Strong hydraulic segmentation and leaf senescence due to dehydration may trigger die-back in Nothofagus dombeyi under severe droughts: a comparison with the co-occurring Austrocedrus chilensis
(Springer Verlag Berlín, 2014-07-20)
Die-back was observed in South America temperate forests during one of the most severe droughts of the 20th century (1998–1999). During this drought Austrocedrus chilensis trees survived, whereas trees of the co-occurring ...
Functional relationships between hydraulic traits and the timing of diurnal depression of photosynthesis
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2019-01-04)
The hydraulic coordination along the water transport pathway helps trees provide adequate water supply to the canopy, ensuring that water deficits are minimized and that stomata remain open for CO2 uptake. We evaluated the ...
Drought and frost resistance vary between evergreen and deciduous Atlantic Forest canopy trees
(Csiro Publishing, 2020-03)
Frost and drought are key stress factors limiting the growth and distribution of tree species. Resistance to stress involves energy costs that may result in trade-offs between different functional traits. Structures or ...
Different drought-adaptive capacity of a native Patagonian tree species (Nothofagus pumilio) resulting from local adaptation
(Springer, 2021-06)
The resistance of different genotypes to abiotic stress may be due to genetic effects and/or to phenotypic plasticity allowing them to acclimate to variable conditions. The contribution of one or the other mechanism ...
Coordination of leaf and stem water transport properties in tropical forest trees
(Springer, 2008-05)
Stomatal regulation of transpiration constrains leaf water potential (ΨL) within species-specific ranges that presumably avoid excessive tension and embolism in the stem xylem upstream. However, the hydraulic resistance ...