Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 23
Seasonal presence of acicular calcium oxalate crystals in the cambial zone of Citharexylum myrianthum (Verbenaceae)
(Int Assoc Wood Anatomists, 2005-01-01)
This study focuses on the seasonal presence of acicular crystals in the cambial zone of Citharexylum myrianthum Chain. (Verbenaceae). Specimens collected in different months from 1996 to 2000 were examined for the abundance ...
Seasonal presence of acicular calcium oxalate crystals in the cambial zone of Citharexylum myrianthum (Verbenaceae)
This study focuses on the seasonal presence of acicular crystals in the cambial zone of Citharexylum myrianthum Cham. (Verbenaceae). Specimens collected in different months from 1996 to 2000 were examined for the abundance ...
Seasonal presence of acicular calcium oxalate crystals in the cambial zone of Citharexylum myrianthum (Verbenaceae)
(Int Assoc Wood Anatomists, 2005-01-01)
This study focuses on the seasonal presence of acicular crystals in the cambial zone of Citharexylum myrianthum Chain. (Verbenaceae). Specimens collected in different months from 1996 to 2000 were examined for the abundance ...
Seasonal presence of acicular calcium oxalate crystals in the cambial zone of Citharexylum myrianthum (Verbenaceae)
(Int Assoc Wood Anatomists, 2014)
Pubescence on the lower surface of bean leavesCaracterización de la pubescencia acicular en las hojas de genotipos de habichuela
(University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez Campus Agricultural Experiment Station, 1990)
Species limits and morphometric and environmental variation within the South Andean and Patagonian Mulinum spinosum species-group (Apiaceae-Azorelloideae)
(Taylor & Francis, 2017-09)
Delimiting species is an important, but frequently difficult aspect of systematics that should be addressed using data from multiple sources. Here we combine morphometric analyses and environmental characteristics to delimit ...
Morfoanatomia dos órgãos vegetativos de Piper crassinervium H.B. & K. (Piperaceae)
(Sociedade Botânica do Brasil, 2005-06-01)
Objetivando auxiliar trabalhos taxonômicos e farmacobotânicos, foram realizados estudos morfoanatômicos dos órgãos vegetativos de Piper crassinervium H.B. & K. (jaborandi). O material foi analisado seguindo-se técnicas ...
Morfoanatomia dos órgãos vegetativos de Piper crassinervium H.B. & K. (Piperaceae)
(Sociedade Botânica do Brasil, 2005-06-01)
Objetivando auxiliar trabalhos taxonômicos e farmacobotânicos, foram realizados estudos morfoanatômicos dos órgãos vegetativos de Piper crassinervium H.B. & K. (jaborandi). O material foi analisado seguindo-se técnicas ...
Morfoanatomia dos órgãos vegetativos de Piper crassinervium H.B. & K. (Piperaceae)
(Sociedade Botânica do Brasil, 2013)
Morfología y anatomía foliar comparada de Chuquiraga y géneros afines (Asteraceae)
(Springer, 2015-02-21)
Chuquiraga es un género de arbustos perennifolios endémico de las regiones áridas y semiáridas de los Andes y el sur de Sudamérica. Es el más variable morfológicamente de la subfamilia Barnadesioideae y se caracteriza por ...