Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2308
Embedded beam element with interaction surface for lateral loading of piles
(John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2016-02)
This paper presents a numerical formulation of a three-dimensional embedded beam element for the modeling of piles, which incorporates an explicit interaction surface between soil and pile. The formulation is herein ...
Eficiencia de grupos de pilotes sometidos a carga lateral
(Facultad de Ingeniería, 2009)
Evaluation of a micropile laterally loaded using semiempirical, analytical and computational models for geotechnical engineering practice. Case of study: Sabaneta
(Universidad EAFITMaestría en IngenieríaEscuela de Ingeniería, 2017)
The Aburrá Valley’s demographic increase has risen house offering -- To tackle this local issue, recently the use of micropiles have spread widely, even though this system has proven to be a reliable alternative foundation ...
Displacement of dental implants in trabecular bone under a static lateral load in fresh bovine bone
(Wiley, 2013-04)
Aim: The study aims to provide objective data for the displacement of titanium screw implants in trabecular bone specimens. One hundred Semados implants (Bego, Bremen, Germany) were inserted in bovine type IV bone specimens. ...
Three dimensional elasto-plastic interface for embedded beam elements with interaction surface for the analysis of lateral loading of piles
(John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2017-04)
This paper presents a numerical formulation for a three dimensional elasto-plastic interface, which can be coupled with an embedded beam element in order to model its non-linear interaction with the surrounding solid medium. ...
Estudo de carga lateral e de ponta em estacas moldadas in loco via metodologia alternativa de prova de cargaChecking the load capacity of bored piles through new methodology for load test
(Universidade Federal de ViçosaBRGeotecnia; Saneamento ambientalMestrado em Engenharia CivilUFV, 2015)
Behaviour of steel-fibre-reinforced normal-strength concrete slender columns under cyclic loading
The inclusion of ductility requirements is necessary to guarantee a safety design of concrete structures subjected to unexpected and/or reversal loads. It is important to outline that plastic hinges may develop in columns ...
Analysis of lateral loading of pile groups using embedded beam elements with interaction surface
(John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2019-01)
The numerical simulation of soil-pile interaction problems, by means of full 3Dfinite element models, involves a large number of degrees of freedom (DOF)and difficulties during the mesh generation process. In order to ...
Pilotes sometidos a carga lateral dinámica: Análisis mediante Interacción Suelo Estructura
En este trabajo se propone un método para el análisis de pilotes cargados lateralmente, en condición dinámica, inicialmente se evaluaron los módulos de reacción de subrasante del suelo en condición estática, dependientes ...