Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 212
Geomorphological mapping and landforms characterization of a high valley environment in the Chilean Andes
Despite the wide diversity of landforms, there are only a few geomorphological maps of the Chilean Central Andes. In this study, we present a detailed geomorphological map on a 1:50.000 scale for the Diguillín Valley (Ñuble ...
Development of a Landforms Model for Puerto Rico and its Application for Land Cover Change Analysis
(Caribbean Journal of Science, Vol. 43, No. 2, 161-171, 2007, 2014)
An inventory of cryospheric landforms in the arid diagonal of South America (high Central Andes, Atacama region, Chile)
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2017-05)
An integral, glacial and periglacial, inventory of the cryosphere in the Atacama region in Chile was carried out to estimate the amount of frozen water reserves in this arid to hyper-arid region. The inventory was carried ...
Relationships between landform properties and vegetation patterns in the Cerro Zonda Mt., Central Precordillera of San Juan. Argentina
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2019-09)
Arid environments are dynamic systems due, in part, to the action of hydrological processes. However, studies on the relationship between the abiotic factors and the properties of arid vegetation communities of Argentina ...
Assessment of the influence of rainfall and landform on landslide initiation using physiographic compartmentalisationAnálise da influência da distribuição da chuva e do relevo no desencadeamento de escorregamentos por meio da compartimentação fisiográfica
Physiographic compartmentalisation emerges as an important instrument in urban planning and risk assessment of mountainous areas, identifying regions where natural erosive processes are more likely to occur based on landform ...
Application of frequency ratio and logistic regression to active rock glacier occurrence in the Andes of San Juan, Argentina
(Elsevier Science, 2010-01)
This study employs statistical modeling techniques and geomorphological mapping to analyze the distribution of active rock glaciers in relation to altitude, aspect, slope, lithology and solar radiation using optical remote ...
Anthropogenic disturbance impact on the stem growth of Prosopis flexuosa DC forests in the Monte desert of Argentina: A dendroecological approach
(Elsevier Gmbh, Urban & Fischer Verlag, 2017-03)
Anthropogenic disturbance acts globally as an ecological process with long-term implication on the ecosystem equilibrium. In the central-western Argentina (Desierto del Monte Central: DMC), the desert Prosopis flexuosa ...
Geomorphology and soils control vegetation heterogeneity through differential species establishment at an arid ecotone
(Academic Press Ltd - Elsevier Science Ltd, 2017-12)
The influence of geomorphology on the distribution of plant communities in arid landscapes has long been recognized. However, the mechanisms behind this influence still remain unexplored in most cases. At the southern Monte ...
Multiscale effects on biological soil crusts cover and spatial distribution in the Monte Desert
(Gauthier-Villars/Editions Elsevier, 2015)