Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 333
A fully automated lab-on-a-chip platform for arboviral diagnosis
(Fiocruz/Instituto de Tecnologia em Imunobiológicos, 2019)
Development of a computer vision system to measure the color of potato chips
(ELSEVIER, 2006)
The objective of this research was to design and implement an inexpensive computer vision system for measuring the color of a highly heterogeneous food material not only in shape as well in color such as potato chips in ...
Workshop Lab-on-a-chip: depoimentos dos pesquisadores
O workshop 'Lab-on-a-chip: o futuro do diagnóstico em Saúde Pública' reuniu (17/5/2018), na sala de conferências do Centro de Estudos Estratégicos (CEE/Fiocruz), pesquisadores para debater estudo.
O pesquisador Fábio Motta apresenta o Lab-on-a-chip. Vídeo foi criado pelo Centro de Estudos Estratégicos (CEE/Fiocruz) para divulgação de nova tecnologia em saúde.
A flexible lab-on-a-chip for the synthesis and magnetic separation of magnetite decorated with gold nanoparticles
(Royal Soc Chemistry, 2015-01-01)
Magnetite decorated with gold nanoparticles (Fe3O4-AuNPs) is a ferrimagnetic material with unprecedented applications in immunosensors, as a contrast agent for imaging diagnosis, and for the photothermal ablation of tumor ...