Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 19843
Knowledge Retention In ServicesRetenção De Conhecimento Em Serviços
(Univ Federal Minas Gerais, Escola BiblioteconomiaBelo Hori, 2016)
Spatial load forecasting using a demand propagation approach
A method for spatial electric load forecasting using multi-agent systems, especially suited to simulate the local effect of special loads in distribution systems is presented. The method based on multi-agent systems uses ...
A conceptual model and technological support for organizational knowledge management
(Elsevier, 2014-12)
Knowledge Management (KM) models proposed in the literature do not take into account all necessary aspects for effective knowledge management. First, to address this issue, this paper presents a set of requirements that ...
Interactive system for placement and coordination of overcurrent protective devices
In this paper, an expert and interactive system for developing protection system for overhead and radial distribution feeders is proposed. In this system the protective devices can be allocated through heuristic and an ...
Interactive system for placement and coordination of overcurrent protective devices
In this paper, an expert and interactive system for developing protection system for overhead and radial distribution feeders is proposed. In this system the protective devices can be allocated through heuristic and an ...
O Processo De Gestão Do Conhecimento: Uma Pesquisa Teórico-conceitualKnowledge Management Process: A Theoretical-conceptual Research
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2017)
Inside CIMMYT: Knowledge Center
(CIMMYT, 2015)
Fuzzy distributed artificial intelligence systems
In this paper, we introduce a DAI approach called hereinafter Fuzzy Distributed Artificial Intelligence (FDAI). Through the use of fuzzy logic, we have been able to develop mechanisms that we feel may effectively improve ...