Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 133
Kinesiographic study of complete denture movement related to mucosa displacement in edentulous patients.
The mucosa that covers the residual ridges of edentulous patients may present some distortion or displacement when occlusal loading is applied in complete dentures. This distortion and movement of the denture can result ...
Kinesiographic study of complete denture movement related to mucosa displacement in edentulous patients.
The mucosa that covers the residual ridges of edentulous patients may present some distortion or displacement when occlusal loading is applied in complete dentures. This distortion and movement of the denture can result ...
Muscle recruitment and co-contraction when walking in young women with chronic lumbar pain
(Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, 2020-02-17)
Mandibular Movements And Bite Force In Alzheimer's Disease Before And After New Denture Insertion
(Wiley-BlackwellHoboken, 2017)
Mandibular movements and bite force in Alzheimer's disease before and after new denture insertion
Chewing impairment has been observed in elders with Alzheimer's disease (AD); however, it is unknown whether oral rehabilitation can improve their masticatory function. This study evaluated the influence of new removable ...
Diferença da força e resistência dos músculos paravertebrais de jovens e idosas com dor lombar crônica
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2021-06-09)
O objetivo do estudo foi comparar a força e resistência da musculatura paravertebral entre mulheres jovens e idosas com dor lombar crônica. É um estudo transversal que avaliou dois grupos: Jovens (GJ, n= 18) e Idosas (GI, ...
Kinesiological Factors in Vertical Jump Performance: Differences Among Individuals
The purpose of this study was to investigate the kinesiological factors that distinguish good jumpers from poor ones, in an attempt to understand the critical factors in vertical jump performance (VJP). Fifty-two normal, ...
Kinesiological Factors in Vertical Jump Performance: Differences Among Individuals
The purpose of this study was to investigate the kinesiological factors that distinguish good jumpers from poor ones, in an attempt to understand the critical factors in vertical jump performance (VJP). Fifty-two normal, ...
Kinesiological Factors in Vertical Jump Performance: Differences WITHIN Individuals
The purpose of this study was to examine the changes in both the coordination patterns of segmental actions and the dynamics of vertical jumping that accompany changes in vertical jump performance (VJP) occurring from trial ...