Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 119
Gender-Based Violence, Perspectives in Latin America and the Caribbean
Introduction: To address the phenomenon of gender-based violence in Latin America and the Caribbean is an issue of epic proportion that reflects the unequal power dynamics created within the binary gender system and is ...
Decolonial studies, transgenerationality and violence against womenEstudos decoloniais, transgeracionalidade e violência contra a mulher
(Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, 2022)
Análisis de factores psicosociales en la generación de violencia contra la mujer de la Facultad de Ciencias Humanísticas Sociales de la Universidad Técnica De ManabíAnalysis of psychosocial factors in the generation of violence against women from the Faculty of Humanistic and Social Sciences of the Technical University of Manabí
(Editorial Universitario ULEAM, 2019)
Evaluation of psychological tests in cases of gender violenceEvaluación de pruebas psicológicas en casos de violencia de género
(Editorial Ciencia digital Registrada en la Cámara Ecuatoriana del Libro No Afiliación 663 (Editor DrC. Efraín Velasteguí López. PhD.), 2023)
Violência Obstétrica: a dor também tem cor
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNServiço SocialDepartamento de Serviço Social, 2022-07-14)
This work has as its general objective the phenomenon of obstetric violence in the Brazilian reality and its nuances, as a result of the process of denaturalization, precarization and commercialization of childbirth, under ...
Facing violence against women in primary health careEnfrentando a violência contra a mulher na atenção primária à saúde
(Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, 2020)
HUMAN RIGHTS AND GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE IN ECUADORDerechos humanos y violencia de género en Ecuador
(Editorial Universitario ULEAM, 2022)