Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 13723
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Evolution and progress in using evaluative structures present in the oral narrative productions of children in vulnerable schools
The incorporation of key evaluative aspects in narrative discourse relates to the use of terms that involve knowledge of the actions, beliefs, thoughts and feelings, known as the landscape of consciousness. The purpose of ...
The challengue of energy efficiency in Europe and the rebound effect's risk
(Departamento de Literatura España-Universidad de Sevilla, 2020)
This paper explores how the European Union's -EU- Authorities face the risk of a rebound effect limiting the effectiveness of efforts made energy efficiency oriented. Choice of EU zone is due to her leadership in the ...
Epidemia de rumores: expresión de miedos, riesgos y desconfianza
(Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, 2014)
Taquicardia ventricular idiopática del ventrículo izquierdo: Reporte de un caso
(Sociedad Uruguaya de Cardiología, 2011)
Can Scotland achieve its aim of narrowing health inequalities in a post-pandemic world?
The reduction of health inequalities has been a stated aim of many Western governments. This is
certainly true of the devolved government in Scotland, both historically1-4 and also currently: the
need to narrow inequalities ...
Epidemiología de las consultas respiratorias de adultos en Santiago de Chile desde 2003 a 2008
Background: Respiratory diseases are the third cause of death, and the second cause of hospitalization among people aged 65 years or more in Chile. Aim: To analyze the distribution of consultations due to respiratory ...