Now showing items 1-10 of 3903
Karyotypes of some Brazilian diplopods
Karyotypes of some Brazilian diplopods
Intrachromosomal karyotype asymmetry in Orchidaceae
(Soc Brasil Genetica, 2017-07-01)
The asymmetry indexes have helped cytotaxonomists to interpret and classify plant karyotypes for species delimitation efforts. However, there is no consensus about the best method to calculate the intrachromosomal asymmetry. ...
Karyotypes of some species of the genus Lessingianthus (vernonieae, asteraceae) and taxonomic implications
(Wiley, 2014-09-11)
We determined the karyotypes of nine species of Lessingianthus , eight of which are here analyzed for the fi rst time. Th e results include the fi rst chromosome count for L. plantaginoides , which is tetraploid with 2n ...
Karyotype analysis in Brachiaria (Poaceae) species
(Faculty Press, 2001-01-01)
This is the first karyotype characterization of Brachiaria species. Twelve accessions belonging to five species were analysed. The basic chromosome number was x = 9 and 7, the same reported for the tribe Paniceae. Variations ...
Karyotype analysis in Brachiaria (Poaceae) species
(Faculty Press, 2001-01-01)
This is the first karyotype characterization of Brachiaria species. Twelve accessions belonging to five species were analysed. The basic chromosome number was x = 9 and 7, the same reported for the tribe Paniceae. Variations ...
Karyotype analysis in Brachiaria (Poaceae) species
This is the first karyotype characterization of Brachiaria species. Twelve accessions belonging to five species were analysed. The basic chromosome number was x = 9 and 7, the same reported for the tribe Paniceae. Variations ...
Updating the maize karyotype by chromosome DNA sizing
(Plos One, 2018)
Evaluating the karyotypic diversity in species of Hyla (Anura, Hylidae) with 2n = 30 chromosomes based on the analysis of ten species
Ten species of Hyla with 2n = 30 from Brazilian fauna were analysed cytogenetically. Hyla minuta is the unique presenting all bi-armed metacentric or submetacentric chromosomes in the karyotype, therefore, with the highest ...