Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 31
Koszul calculus
(Cambridge University Press, 2018-05)
We present a calculus that is well-adapted to homogeneous quadratic algebras. We define this calculus on Koszul cohomology - resp. homology - by cup products - resp. cap products. The Koszul homology and cohomology are ...
On the multi-Koszul property for connected algebras
(Univ Bielefeld, 2013-12)
In this article we introduce the notion of multi-Koszul algebra for the case of a locally finite dimensional nonnegatively graded connected algebra, as a generalization of the notion of (generalized) Koszul algebras defined ...
d-Koszul algebras, 2-d-determined algebras and 2-d-Koszul algebras
The relationship between an algebra and its associated monomial algebra is investigated when at least one of the algebras is d-Koszul It is shown that an algebra which has a reduced Grobnerbasis that is composed of homogeneous ...
On a definition of multi-Koszul algebras
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2013-02)
In this article we introduce the notion of multi-Koszul algebra for the case of a nonnegatively graded connected algebra with a finite number of generators of degree 1 and with a finite number of relations, as a generalization ...
On the existence of a derived equivalence between a Kozul algebra and its Yoneda Algebra
(World Scientific, 2014-01)
In this paper, we study the derived categories of a Koszul algebra and its Yoneda algebra to determine when those categories are triangularly equivalent. We prove that the simply connected Koszul algebras are derived ...
?lgebras de Koszul e resolu??es projetivasKoszul algebras and projective resolutions
(Instituto Federal de Educa??o, Ci?ncia e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilNatal - CentralOutroPrograma de P?s-Gradua??o em Matem?tica do Instituto de Matem?tica e Estat?stica da Universidade de S?o PauloOutroIFRN, 2016)
PBW-deformations and deformations à la Gerstenhaber of N-Koszul algebras
(European Mathematical Society, 2014-07)
In this article we establish an explicit link between the classical theory of deformations à la Gerstenhaber (and a fortiori with the Hochschild cohomology) and (weak) PBW-deformations of homogeneous algebras. Our point ...
N-Koszul algebras, Calabi-Yau algebras and skew PBW extensions
Abstract. In the schematic approach to non-commutative algebraic geometry arises some important classes of non-commutative algebras like Koszul algebras, Artin-Schelter regular algebras, Calabi-Yau algebras, and closely ...
Finitely semi-graded algebras and Koszulity
The aim of this work is to introduce the class of finitely semi-graded algebras which is a generalization of finitely graded algebras generated in degree one, and include important examples whithin the skew P BW extensions. ...