Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1254
On second iterated clique graphs that are also third iterated clique graphs
(Elsevier, 2015-12)
Iterated clique graphs arise when the clique operator is applied to a graph more than once. Determining whether a graph is a clique graph or an iterated clique graph is usually a difficult task. The fact that being a clique ...
Rates of convergence for inexact Krasnosel’skii–Mann iterations in Banach spaces
(Springer Verlag, 2019)
© 2018, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature and Mathematical Optimization Society. We study the convergence of an inexact version of the classical Krasnosel’skii–Mann iteration for computing fixed points ...
Asymptotic Equivalence of Evolution Equations Governed by Cocoercive Operators and Their Forward Discretizations
(Springer New York LLC, 2019)
© 2018, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.The purpose of this work is to study discrete approximations of evolution equations governed by cocoercive operators by means of Euler iterations, both ...
Covergence and divergence of the iterated biclique graph
(Wiley, 2013-06)
A biclique of a graph G is a maximal induced complete bipartite subgraph of G. The biclique graph of G, denoted by KB(G), is the intersection graph of the bicliques of G. We say that a graph G diverges (or converges or is ...
On the improvement of the order of convergence of iterative methods for solving nonlinear systems by means of memory
Iterative methods with memory for solving nonlinear systems have been designed. For approximating the accelerating parameters the Kurchatov's divided difference is used as an approximation of the derivative of second order. ...
(Inst Operations Research Management SciencesLinthicum Hts, 1993)
Forward-backward approximation of evolution equations in finite and infinite horizon
(Amer Inst Mathematical Sciences-Aims, 2021)
This research is concerned with evolution equations and their forward-backward discretizations.
Our rst contribution is an estimation for the distance between iterates of sequences
generated by forward-backward schemes, ...
A new efficient parametric family of iterative methods for solving nonlinear systems
A bi-parametric family of iterative schemes for solving nonlinear systems is presented. We prove for any value of parameters the sixth-order of convergence of any members of the class. The efficiency and computational ...
Weak Convergence Theorems for Maximal Monotone Operators with Nonspreading mappings in a Hilbert space
(Universidad de La Frontera. Departamento de Matemática y EstadísticaUniversidade Federal de Pernambuco. Departamento de Matemática, 2011)
The Images of the Clique Operator and Its Square are Different
(John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2014-09)
LetGbe the class of all graphs andKbe the clique operator.The validity of the equalityK(G)=K2(G)has been an open question forseveral years. A graph inK(G)but not inK2(G)is exhibited here.