Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 331
Larval supply of Peruvian scallop to the marine reserve of Lobos de Tierra Island: A modeling approach
(Elsevier, 2019)
The Peruvian scallop (Argopecten purpuratus) is the second main contributor to the total catch of mollusks in Peru, after jumbo squid. There are two main scallop banks populations in northern Peru: Lobos de Tierra Island ...
Marine biodiversity of an Eastern Tropical Pacific oceanic island, Isla del Coco, Costa Rica
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2012)
Elasmobranchs observed in deepwaters (45-330m) at Isla del Coco National Park, Costa Rica (Eastern Tropical Pacific)
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2012)
Morphological sexual maturity of the marine crab Xanthodius parvulus at the State Marine Park Laje de Santos, São Paulo, BrazilMaturidade sexual morfológica do caranguejo marinho Xanthodius parvulus no Parque Estadual Marinho Laje de Santos, São Paulo, Brasil
The marine crab Xanthodius parvulus (Fabricius, 1793) is naturally distributed in the Western Atlantic, being commonly found in the northeastern Brazilian coast. However, this species has been also recorded in the southeastern ...
Epigean Tenebrionids (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) from Leones, Tova and Tovita Islands, Chubut, Argentina
(Fourth International Tenebrionoidea Symposium, 2016)
The Interjurisdictional Marine Coastal "Patagonia Austral" National Park (PIMCPA) protects over 180 km of Patagonian Atlantic coastline in northern San Jorge gulf including an archipelago that comprises more than 39 islands ...
Reef fishes of the Anchieta Island State Park, Southwestern Atlantic, Brazil
(Revista Biota Neotropica, 2018-01-01)
This paper presents a checklist of the reef fish fauna of the Anchieta Island State Park, a no-take zone in which no extractive activities are allowed, in Ubatuba, Southeastern Brazil. Data was obtained between 2011 and ...