Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 154
Bitcoin The Virtual Currency Between Halal And Haram In Islamic Finance
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
The emergence of Islamic finance: an exploratory study of Brazil
Islamic finance has been a trendy topic globally, gaining the attention of Muslims and non-Muslims. It stands for a financial system that follows the sharia (Islamic law), which is guided by ethical principles and social ...
The impact of monetary policy on Islamic bank financing: bank-level evidence from Malaysia
(Universidad ESAN. ESAN EdicionesPE, 2018-12-01)
Purpose – This paper aims to examine the distributional differences of Islamic bank financing responses to financing rate across bank-specific characteristics in dual banking system. The study also aims to provide understanding ...
The impact of monetary policy on Islamic bank financing: bank-level evidence from Malaysia
(Universidad ESAN. ESAN EdicionesPE, 2018-12-01)
Purpose – This paper aims to examine the distributional differences of Islamic bank financing responses to financing rate across bank-specific characteristics in dual banking system. The study also aims to provide understanding ...
Instrumentos financieros compatibles con la Sharía: ¿una alternativa ética a la financiación convencional?
(Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga UNAB, 2015-06-01)
El peso demográfico de la población musulmana en el mundo, unido alcrecimiento económico de algunos países del Golfo Pérsico hacontribuido a que el derecho financiero islámico represente en laactualidad una práctica jurídica ...
Finanzas islámicas: una posible solución a la deficiente profundización e inclusión financiera del sistemas bancario colombiano
(Universidad de La Salle. Facultad Ciencias Económicas y Sociales. Finanzas y Comercio Internacional, 2019)
Role of Sukuk al-Istisna’ in the economic development of Islamic capital
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
Law and Justice in a Globalized World : Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, Depok, Indonesia, November 7-9, 2016 : Topics in Law and Justice
The book consists of a selection of papers presented at the Asia-Pacific Research Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities. It contains essays on current legal issues in law and justice, and their role and transformation ...
Militant Jihadism : Today and Tomorrow
"Jihadist militants keep being a global threat. Many observers suggest that a transformation is likely to happen in their organisation, operation, mobilisation, and recruitment strategies, particularly after the territorial ...
The Phenomenon Of Begging And Its Treatment In Islam Comparative Study Of Religions
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)