Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 535
Post-Storm Middle and Low-Latitude Ionospheric Electric Fields Effects
(Springer, 2016-12-05)
The Earth’s upper atmosphere and ionosphere undergoes large and complex perturbations during and after geomagnetic storms. Thermospheric winds driven by enhanced energy and momentum due to geomagnetic activity generate ...
Dynamical and magnetic field time constants for Titan's ionosphere: Empirical estimates and comparisons with Venus
(American Geophysical Union, 2010-10)
Plasma in Titan´s ionosphere flows in response to forcing from thermal pressure gradients, magnetic forces, gravity, and ion-neutral collisions. This paper takes an empirical approach to the ionospheric dynamics by using ...
Tackling ionospheric scintillation threat to GNSS in Latin America
(Edp Sciences S A, 2011-01-01)
Scintillations are rapid fluctuations in the phase and amplitude of transionospheric radio signals which are caused by small-scale plasma density irregularities in the ionosphere. In the case of the Global Navigation ...
Towards forecasting and mitigating ionospheric scintillation effects on GNSS
(Ieee, 2007-01-01)
The effect of the ionosphere on the signals of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), such as the Global Positionig System (GPS) and the proposed European Galileo, is dependent on the ionospheric electron density, ...
East-west ionospheric drifts at the magnetic equator
(Instituto Geofísico del Perú, 1972-01-01)
A technique has been developed to measure the electromagnetic east-west drift velocity of the F region ionosphere by means of the Jicamarca incoherent scatter radar. Results show a fairly consistent behavior from day to ...
Modeling ionospheric super‐fountain effect based on the coupled TIMEGCM‐SAMI3
(American Geophysical Union, 2013-04-02)
Recently, efforts have been undertaken to develop a coupled thermosphere‐ionosphere‐plasmasphere model based on two well‐established models, namely, the Thermosphere‐Ionosphere‐Mesosphere General Circulation Model (TIMEGCM) ...
Low latitude storm time ionospheric electrodynamics
(Elsevier, 2002-04-30)
The response of the low latitude ionosphere to high latitude convection has long been the subject of considerable interest. Radar, ionosonde, magnetometer, and satellite measurements have been extensively used for studying ...
Solar-wind magnetosphere effects in the middle and low latitude ionosphere
Ionospheric electric fields play fundamental roles in the dynamics of the Earth's ionosphere and thermosphere. Enhanced geomagnetic activity has long been known to cause large ionospheric electric field and current ...
Comparison of zonal neutral winds with equatorial plasma bubble and plasma drift velocities
(American Geophysical Union, 2013-03-20)
A one-year dataset spanning March 2011-March 2012 of coincident observations of night time thermospheric zonal neutral winds, equatorial plasma bubble (EPB) velocities, and zonal plasma drifts are used to examine the ...
Extended ionospheric amplitude scintillation model for GPS receivers
(Amer Geophysical Union, 2014-05-01)
Ionospheric scintillation is a phenomenon that occurs after sunset, especially in the low-latitude region, affecting radio signals that propagate through the ionosphere. Depending on geophysical conditions, ionospheric ...