Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 43
Sobre modelos pedagógicos y el aprendizaje del proyecto arquitectónico.
(Universidad Católica de Colombia, 2011-07-01)
En este se artículo presenta el resultado final del proyecto de investigación "Pedagogía y proyecto en arquitectura", cuyo objetivo primordial es el de establecer una estructuración entre el proyecto como estrategia ...
Infraestructuras de accesibilidad insular en Santa Fe. Criterios proyectuales para un habitar sustentable en el valle de inundación del Paraná.
Los asentamientos humanos en áreas fluviales constituyen uno de los grandes desafíos de la humanidad: el intento de compatibilizar el acceso a los recursos naturales a la vez que su protección. El Paraná, uno de los ríos ...
Interaction/cognition in design: The red bull station’s classroom case study
The present article aims at observing the possible interactions/cognitions of users, based on the activities and events that take place in the built spaces of a public building wherein educational, ludic, creative and ...
Inserção da técnica de origami no processo de projetação de embalagens
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2010-03-31)
This paper presents the research that had as a goal to evaluate the influence of the inclusion of the origami technique at the package design process. The research is based on the analysis of origami's characteristics and ...
Inserção da técnica de origami no processo de projetação de embalagens
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2010-03-31)
This paper presents the research that had as a goal to evaluate the influence of the inclusion of the origami technique at the package design process. The research is based on the analysis of origami's characteristics and ...
Dialética intempestiva: dimensões pós-históricas do patrimônio
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2018-08-31)
This thesis aims to scrutinise the projectual, aesthetic and discursive foundations that insert contemporary architectural creation into contexts conceptualised as historical, as well as their differential processes that ...
Origami científico: a linguagem das dobraduras dentro do design contemporâneo
After crossing several generations and countries, broader functions are being incorporated to origami than simply making art objects: the fold initiates a series of new buildings within the design and creation. Under the ...
El proyecto clásico en arquitectura : aproximación a una estrategia proyectual.
(Universidad Católica de Colombia, 2009-07-01)
El concepto de proyecto está ligado al quehacer cotidiano del arquitecto, este punto de partida es la base para la exploración sobre la hipótesis de dos maneras básicas de aproximación al proyecto en arquitectura, el ...
Atravessamentos entre gênero e habitação social: arquitetura do cotidiano para as mulheres chefes de família do conjunto mucajá, em Macapá (AP)
(UNIFAP - Universidade Federal do AmapáBrasil, 18-12-2020)
The investigation pointed in this Final Graduation Work intended to study the construction of the urban space and the housing that parts from an androcentric view that does not contemplate women in their projectual conception ...