Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 28
Simulation of intrinsic random fields of order k with a continuous spectral algorithm
(Springer New York LLC, 2018)
Intrinsic random fields of order k, defined as random fields whose high-order increments (generalized increments of order
k) are second-order stationary, are used in spatial statistics to model regionalized variables ...
Plurigaussian modeling of geological domains based on the truncation of non-stationary Gaussian random fields
(Springer, 2017)
The plurigaussian model is used in miningengineering, oil reservoir characterization, hydrology andenvironmental sciences to simulate the layout of geologicaldomains in the subsurface, while reproducing their spatialcontinuity ...
Simulation of Intrinsic Random Fields of Order k with Gaussian Generalized Increments by Gibbs Sampling
(Springer, 2015)
This work pertains to the simulation of an intrinsic random field of order k
with a given generalized covariance function and multivariate Gaussian generalized
increments. An iterative algorithm based on the Gibbs sampler ...
Joint simulation of stationary grade and non stationary rock type for quantifying geological uncertainty in a copper deposit
(Elsevier, 2017)
In mineral resources evaluation, the joint simulation of a quantitative variable, such as a metal grade, and a
categorical variable, such as a rock type, is challenging when one wants to reproduce spatial trends of the ...
Joint simulation of stationary grade and non-stationary rock type for quantifying geological uncertainty in a copper deposit
(Elsevier, 2017)
In mineral resources evaluation, the joint simulation of a quantitative variable, such as a metal grade, and a categorical variable, such as a rock type, is challenging when one wants to reproduce spatial trends of the ...
Plurigaussian simulation of non-stationary categorical variables and its application to ore body modeling
(Universidad de Chile, 2016)
The conditional simulation of geological domains, coded through categorical regionalized variables, allows constructing outcomes (realizations) of the layout of these domains that reproduce their spatial continuity and ...
Formação estelar e emissão de poeira em núcleos ativos de galáxias
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilFísicaUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em FísicaCentro de Ciências Naturais e Exatas, 2018-12-20)
The energy coming from Active Nuclei of Galaxies (AGN) is attributed to the process of
accretion of matter to a central Supermassive Black Hole (SMBH). The gases that flow towards
the center of the galaxies (inflows of ...
Degradación de estructuras MOS (metal-óxido-semiconductor) y sus aplicaciones.
(Escuela de Posgrado - UTN FRBA, 2021)
Estudio de las propiedades físicas de sistemas multicapas basados en GaMnSb para aplicaciones en espintrónica
(Universidad Nacional de ColombiaBogotá - Ciencias - Doctorado en Ciencias - FísicaDepartamento de FísicaFacultad de CienciasBogotá, ColombiaUniversidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Bogotá, 2021)
En este trabajo se fabricaron muestras de películas delgadas de GaSb y sistemas multicapas de [GaSb/Mn]_n por medio de la técnica de pulverización catódica asistida por Campo Magnético de corriente directa (“DC magnetron ...