Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 32233
Research on faith-based interventions and faith-placed health interventions: current situation and perspectives in Latin America [Investigación en faith-based interventions y faith-placed interventions de salud: situación actual y perspectivas en Latinoamérica]
(Universidad Católica los Ángeles de Chimbote, 2019-01-22)
[No abstract available]
Moving from formative research to co-creation of interventions: insights from a community health system project in Mozambique, Nepal and Peru
(BMJ Publishing Group, 2018)
Different methodological approaches for implementation research in global health focusing on how interventions are developed, implemented and evaluated are needed. In this paper, we detail the approach developed and ...
The institutionalization of community interventions in Chile: Characteristics and contradictions
A critical analysis of the consequences of successive institutionalization of community intervention in Chile is presented. This analysis is based on research of current community interventions in Chile, whose results are ...
Community embedded reproductive health interventions for adolescents in Latin America: development and evaluation of a complex multi-centre intervention
Background: Adolescents in Latin America are at high risk for unwanted and unplanned pregnancies, which often result in unsafe abortions or poor maternal health outcomes. Both young men and women in the region face an ...
Interdisciplinary-action-research: Post-earthquake interventions with older people in Chile
This article reflects on a methodological research proposal developed from the perspective of interdisciplinary action research in the context of fear-coping interventions for older people in seven rural areas of southern ...
Research And Intervention In The Promotion Of Health: Methodological Challenges Of Researching “with”Pesquisa-intervenção Em Promoção Da Saúde: Desafios Metodológicos De Pesquisar “com”
(Associacao Brasileira de Pos - Graduacao em Saude Coletiva, 2016)
A Group Videoconferencing Intervention (C@nnected) to Improve Maternal Sensitivity: Protocol for a Randomized Feasibility Trial
(JMIR Publications Inc., 2022)
© 2022 JMIR Publications. All rights reserved.Background: Early childhood development is highly dependent on the sensitive care provided by caregivers, and interventions focused on supporting parents to improve their ...
Lessons learned about co-creation: developing a complex intervention in rural Peru
(Taylor and Francis, 2020)
Background: Co-creation is the process of involving stakeholders in the development of interventions. Although co-creation is becoming more widespread, reports of the process and lessons learned are scarce. Objective: To ...