Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 187
Interprofessional health education teacher training at the University of Chile
(Korea Health Personnel Licensing Examination, 2021)
The first interprofessional course that included students in the 8 undergraduate health programs at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Chile was implemented in 2015. For the 700 students, 35 teachers were trained ...
Relação ensino-serviço em uma consulta multi e interprofissional: residência multiprofissional em saúde
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilUFSMCentro de Ciências da Saúde, 2022-02-24)
This research sought to report the experience of residents in the development of multi and interprofessional care, as well as to recognize the perception of professionals from a Family Health Strategy (ESF) regarding multi ...
Producing research, training, health, and education in the teaching-service-community integrationProducción de investigación, formación, salud y educación en la integración enseñanza servicio y comunidadProduzindo pesquisa, formação, saúde e educação na integração ensino, serviço e comunidade
The present study is an experience report about the development of research, knowledge production, and training in the interface between university and health services, based on the Pró-Ensino na Saúde program (Capes public ...
Interprofessional approach to evaluation in the training of early childhood education professionalsEnfoque interprofesional de la evaluación en la formación del profesor de la Educación Infantil
(Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas, 2023)
Adaptação transcultural da Interprofessional Socialization and Valuing Scale (ISVS) para o contexto brasileiro no campo do ensino na saúde
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Enfermagem - PPGEnfCâmpus São Carlos, 2019-02-19)
Introduction: The transcultural adaptation of assessment instruments is a metodological process, constituted of steps, which allows judging the applicability in a context different from which it was built for, ensuring the ...
A experiência multiprofissional e interdisciplinar da interação universidade-serviços-comunidade: o olhar e o trabalho do professor tutor
Considering the need for change in higher education in health in Braziland in the world, this study aims to analyze the work in brazilian public university inthe integration of college teaching and health services, from ...
Formação interprofissional em saúde em tempos de pandemia: análise do contexto, organização e relações no deslocamento do presencial para o remoto em cursos de graduação
(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2023-04-14)
Em virtude da pandemia de covid-19 fez-se necessário analisar a formação
interprofissional dos cursos de graduação em saúde do Instituto Saúde e Sociedade,
da Universidade Federal de São Paulo - campus Baixada Santista, ...