Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 284
Perceptions of organizational justice and ambivalent sexism: The moderating role of individualism-collectivismPercepciones de justicia organizacional y sexismo ambivalente: el rol moderador del individualismo-colectivismoPercepção de justiça organizacional e sexismo ambivalente: o papel moderador do individualismo-coletivismo
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017)
Percepción de justicia organizacional en colaboradores de la Empresa Municipal Santiago de Surco S.A. en el año 2017
(Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, 2019-05-02)
El presente estudio tiene como denominación Percepción de justicia organizacional en los colaboradores de la Empresa Municipal Santiago de Surco S.A. en el año 2017 en el cual se busca determinar el nivel de percepción de ...
Percepciones de justicia organizacional y sexismo ambivalente: el rol moderador del individualismo-colectivismoPercepção de justiça organizacional e sexismo ambivalente: o papel moderador do individualismo-coletivismoPerceptions of organizational justice and ambivalent sexism: The moderating role of individualism-collectivism
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo EditorialPE, 2017)
Restoring harm: a psychosocial approach to victims and restorative justice
(Routledge, 2019)
To what extent is restorative justice able to ‘restore’ the harm suffered by victims of crimes of interpersonal violence? Restorative justice is an innovative, participatory and inclusive reaction to crime that permits ...
Antecedentes dos comportamentos de cidadania organizacional: uma análise à luz da confiança interpessoal e justiça organizacional
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilAdministraçãoUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em AdministraçãoCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, 2021-08-25)
This study was developed with the purpose of analyzing the influence of Interpersonal Trust and Organizational Justice on the Organizational Citizenship Behavior from the perspective of the employees of an agricultural ...
Perceptions of organizational justice and ambivalent sexism: The moderating role of individualism-collectivismPercepciones de justicia organizacional y sexismo ambivalente: el rol moderador del individualismo-colectivismoPercepção de justiça organizacional e sexismo ambivalente: o papel moderador do individualismo-coletivismo
(Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, 2017-01)
The aim of the present study was to explore the association between perceptions of interpersonal/ informational justice and ambivalent sexism among Argentinean employees, and to examine the possible role that collectivism ...
Impacto de la justicia interpersonal y la experiencia previa en la recuperación del servicio tras un fallo en el sector restaurantes
(Universidad de Cuenca, 2023-07-04)
This academic article seeks to study the impact of interpersonal justice and previous
experience in the recovery of service in the restaurant sector, through an experiment set in
the "Chill & Chela" restaurant, which ...
From organizational justice perceptions to turnover intentions: The mediating effects of burnout and job satisfaction
(PsychOpen, 2018-08)
Turnover intentions (TI) stand as an insidious problem that impacts on the functioning of organizations and the well-being of their members. Currently, there is a growing interest in identifying the explanatory mechanisms ...
Explorando a justiça organizacional, burnout e saúde nos servidores da UFSM
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBRAdministraçãoUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Administração, 2013-06-14)
The transformation of the organizational environment in recent decades, have directly impacted employees, their perceptions about the distribution of resources or tasks or how they are treated during this process can create ...