Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 892
Characterization of anatomy, lignin distribution, and response to pretreatments of sugarcane culm node and internode
Sugarcane culm has different types of tissue organization, and its heterogeneity can influence the bagasse quality generated in the sugar/ethanol industry. The heterogeneity of the sugarcane bagasse contributes to the ...
Actualidad y potencial de la arqueología internodal surandinaActuality and potential of south andean inter-nodal archaeology
(Universidad Católica del Norte. Instituto de Investigaciones Arqueológicas y Museo "R. P. Gustavo Le Paige", 2017-06)
Se discuten los principales conceptos y temas de investigación que caracterizan a la "arqueología internodal sur andina", destacando algunas de sus contribuciones y sugiriendo posibilidades para su desarrollo futuro. Estos ...
Redefinition of sweet sorghum harvest time: new approach for sampling and decision-making in field
(Industrial Crops and Products, 2018)
Tráfico y movilidad caravanera en la Puna catamarqueña: una mirada internodalCaravan traffic and mobility in the highlands of catamarca. An internodal perspective
(Universidad Católica del Norte. Instituto de Investigaciones Arqueológicas y Museo R. P. Gustavo Le Paige, 2017-12)
En el presente trabajo abordamos la problemática de las interacciones sociales entre los grupos que habitaron los nodos de Antofagasta de la Sierra (puna de Catamarca) y de las áreas valliserranas vecinas, durante los ...
Bionomy of Mosquitoes in Bamboo Internodes in an Atlantic Forest remmant of the state of Rio de Janeiro
(The American Mosquito Control Association, 2021)
Sour orange bud regeneration and in vitro plant development related to culture medium composition and explant type
(Sociedade Brasileira de Fruticultura, 2010)
In order to evaluate the formation of adventitious buds and in vitro regeneration of sour orange plants (Citrus aurantium L.) two organogenesis-inducing experiments were conducted. In the first experiment, the induction ...
Lack of differential plasticity to shading of internodes and petioles with growth habit in convolvulus arvensis (convolvulaceae)