Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1189
Estratégias e lógicas envolvidas na construção da visibilidade institucional em diferentes espaços de interação na internet
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBRComunicaçãoUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação, 2008-03-03)
The research has as main purpose to comprehend the logic involved in the institutional visibility construction process in the internet, from two distinct interaction spaces: an institutional portal and an Orkut community. ...
Remote Spectroscopy in the Visible Using Fibers on the Optical Internet Network
The work presented here demonstrates the feasibility of using the single-mode fibers of an optical Internet network to deliver visible light between separate laboratories as a way to perform remote spectroscopy in the ...
Análisis de la tecnología Li-Fi: comunicaciones por luz visible como punto de acceso a Internet, una alternativa a la transmisión de datos en las comunicaciones inalámbricas
Li-fi is an alternative to Wi-Fi, and Internet access point, use the visible spectrum of light to transmit information wirelessly and thus free radio frequency spectrum is saturated. It is proposed to study three alternatives: ...
You are what Google says you are: the editable life, between control and spectacle“Você é o que Google diz que você é”: a vida editável, entre controle e espetáculo
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2018)
Análisis de tecnología Li-fi como comunicación por luz visible (VLC) y su integración al internet de las cosas (IOT)
In this academic article, Li-fi technology was analyzed as an alternative to conventional wireless radio frequency (RF) communications, and a prototype for transmitting and receiving data with OOK modulation was designed ...
A internet como mecanismo de movimentação dos fluxos sociopolíticos no tempoespaço globalizado
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBRSociologiaUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Sociais, 2010-03-10)
This work aims to investigate the possibilities of the Internet to broaden the socio-political flows in a public space determined by the processes of globalization. Under the paradigm of the development of new technologies ...
Vigilância civil e internet: possibilidades e limitações na disputa por visibilidade e na construção de credibilidade
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrasilFAF - DEPARTAMENTO DE COMUNICAÇÃO SOCIALUFMG, 2017)
Based on the remarkable increase of civil surveillance initiatives focused on public and private business in the last decades – as observatories and other watchdog sites – and considering the benefits offered by the Internet ...
Visibilidade mediada: estrat??gias e a????es docentes no twitter
(Faculdade de Educa????oPrograma de P??s-Gradua????o em Educa????oUFBA/Facedbrasil, 2015-03-23)
An Adaptive and Hybrid Approach to Revisiting the Visibility Pipeline
(Centro Latinoamericano de Estudios en Informática, 2016)