Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 572
COVID-19 and addiction
Background and aims: 2019-coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is causing insurmountable psychosocial
impact on the whole mankind. Marginalized community, particularly those with substance use disorders
(SUD), are particularly ...
The Relationship Between Social Participation and Internet Addiction in Older Persons
The addiction to technology of older persons is an emerging field,because the literature tends to focus only on the benefits of the use of technologyin this age group. Along with this, there is interest in how participation ...
O que leva a se viciar na internet? Relações entre solidão, depressão, ansiedade, estresse, adição à internet e uso de mídias sociais online
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2020-08-14)
Internet addiction among Brazilian university students is an insufficiently researched topic. Literature indicates an association between such an addiction, mental health and online social media usage. Here, the aim was ...
O que leva a se viciar na internet? Relações entre solidão, depressão, ansiedade, estresse, adição à internet e uso de mídias sociais online
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2020-08-14)
Internet addiction among Brazilian university students is an insufficiently researched topic. Literature indicates an association between such an addiction, mental health and online social media usage. Here, the aim was ...
Motives of Use and Internet Addiction: Development and Evidence of Validity of a Scale to Evaluate Motives of Internet Use
The motives for Internet use are crucial to understanding why people get and stay online despite negative consequences. This study aimed to develop and evaluate the psychometric properties of a questionnaire of Internet ...
Orman’s Internet Addiction Survey: a Preliminary Psychometric Study in an Universitary Andalusian Sample
In recent decades several instruments have been developed to assess the behaviour of being continuously connected to Internet shown by some Internet users. The Internet Addiction Survey by Mc. Orman is one of them. Its ...
Adaptación y validación de la escala de tecnoadicción del cuestionario red-tecnoestrés, en una población laboral mexicanaAdaptation and validation of the Techno Addiction Scale in the Red-Technostress Questionnaire, in a Mexican labour population
(Universidad Iberoamericana Ciudad de México., 2021)
La tecnoadicción aparece cuando una persona genera una dependencia psicológica hacia un dispositivo tecnológico, lo que implica un uso excesivo y compulsivo. El propósito de este estudio, fue adaptar y validar la Escala ...
Parental disciplinary practices and internet addiction in adolescentsPrácticas disciplinarias parentales y adicción a internet en adolescentesPratiques disciplinaires parentales et addiction à internet chez les adolescentsPráticas disciplinares parentais e dependência da internet em adolescentes
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022)
Internet Addiction of Older Women and Its Relationship With Social Influence and Social Networks Use as a Mediator
The aim is to analyse the relationship between social influence for Internet use and Internet addiction (IA) in older women, considering the use of Internet-based social networks as a mediator. The participants were 480 ...
Las redes sociales de Internet. ¿Una nueva adicción?
El uso de las redes sociales a través de dispositivos conectados a Internet, tanto fijos como móviles, se encuentra en un estado de explosión global, hasta tal punto que el comportamiento de los usuarios está suscitando ...