Mostrando ítems 1-9 de 1379
The bases of American International Law in the work of Alejandro Álvarez: solidarity and international lifeLas bases del Derecho Internacional Americano en la obra de Alejandro Álvarez: solidaridad y vida internacional
(Universidad Austral de Chile, Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales., 2021)
Public Policies On Social And Solidarity Economy In Latin America: Some Contributions
(STEF92 Technology LtdSofia, 2016)
"Se tem que resolver, pensamos juntos e colocamos em ação": estratégia como prática no desenvolvimento da liderança solidária compartilhada
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2017-03-15)
The analytical effort focused on the thesis is the process of developing strategy as a practice, as well as the phenomenon of shared solidarity leadership, in the context of solidarity economy. Thus, this thesis aims to ...
"Se tem que resolver, pensamos juntos e colocamos em ação": estratégia como prática no desenvolvimento da liderança solidária compartilhada
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2017-03-15)
The analytical effort focused on the thesis is the process of developing strategy as a practice, as well as the phenomenon of shared solidarity leadership, in the context of solidarity economy. Thus, this thesis aims to ...
Philosophical foundations of empathetic leadership.
(Resadderse International, 2011)
This paper presents the Empathetic Leadership Model from philosophical point of view and has its starting point righ at the thinking of several Mexican philosophers who have done studies about the Mexican people´s ideology. ...
Social And Solidarity Economics In India And Brazil
(Emerald Group Publishing LTDBingley, 2017)