Now showing items 1-10 of 11649
A contribuição marxista para o estudo das relações internacionais
The article examines the marxist contribution to the study of international relations stressing the historical dimension in the social groups and political economy as a fundamental variable. Thus, marxism provides resources ...
A contribuição marxista para o estudo das relações internacionais
The article examines the marxist contribution to the study of international relations stressing the historical dimension in the social groups and political economy as a fundamental variable. Thus, marxism provides resources ...
'Problem-solving' and Critical Theory Distinction: A Reflection from the International Relations
This paper attempts to determine what points of view of certain ir authors have been associated with the category 'critical', and for what reasons. Second, it seeks to show that there are not just nuanced, but substantial ...
International relations theory: a peripheral perspective. Part 1
(Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, 1993)
In an article first published in 1977, Stanley Hoffmann callad international relations a "(North)American social science". His diagnosis regarding the national origina of the discipline as a field of social-scientific ...
History or International Relations Theory? The evolution of the "Thucididian narration style"¿Historia o teoría de las relaciones internacionales? La evolución del "estilo de narración tucididiana"
(Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina, 2017)
IB Theory and the Entry of MNCs in Brazil from 1850 to 2007
This paper analyses the applicability of the main enterprise internationalization theories to the entry of the multinational corporations into Brazil, throughout five phases of Brazilian economy, from 1850 to nowadays. It ...
Historical Sociology, International Relations Theory and the Imperial Condition
A historical-sociological approach to international relations highlights, in particular, the fundamental importance of the structures and practices of imperial and postcolonial field dynamics in the way international ...
La teoría feminista en la literatura de relaciones internacionales en el tercer mundo
(Universidad de La Salle. Facultad Ciencias Económicas y Sociales. Negocios y Relaciones Internacionales, 2020)