Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 185
Diseño e implementación de un sistema para la interacción Avatar - Persona
In this technical project was proposed the design and development of a system that allows the basic interaction between a person and a virtual agent (avatar), through the integration of an animation software and a programming ...
Interfaz de control para un brazo robot articulado basado en software de desarrollo integral
The project is a collection of conceptual information about industrial robotics, its impact on industry, society and the main components that are part of industrial robotic devices, making emphasis on the types of programming ...
Diseño e implementación de un sistema embebido de monitoreo de las variables climáticas para plantaciones de maíz
The proposed system consists of a network of sensors, which will be responsible for acquiring the data of the agroecological conditions of the corn crop, plus an easy-to-use web interface that serves for the processing and ...
Modelamiento y simulación del ojo humano para establecer una correlación entre el aumento de la presión intraocular y el grosor central de la córnea
This is a work in the mathematical analysis, to establish a mathematical correlation in the increase of the intraocular pressure and the central thickness of the cornea, applying different mathematical techniques, our ...
Integración de ChirpStack con Node Red para alojar datos en Google Cloud Platform
The Internet of Things (IoT) facilitates daily activities, which are managed through platforms dedicated to this technology. One of the platforms to manage IoT networks is ChirpStack, it is dedicated to manage smart devices ...
Sistema de adquisición de señales EMG de superficie multicanal para prótesis de miembro superior
This paper presents the design of an interface for the acquisition of surface electromyographic signals (EMG) for a prosthetic upper limb system. It shows the development of an analog acquisition interface, a digitalization ...
Diseño, desarrollo e implementación de simuladores laborales 3D, basado en ejercitarios el tiempo e información difícil, dentro del marco del proyecto EduTech
This project was based on the implementation of accessible 3D work simulators, in order to facilitate the labor insertion of university students with disabilities. The purpose of the simulators is to strengthen skills ...
Reingeniería de un prototipo de asiento dinámico para la liberación de presión en el área sedente
This technical project consists of a reengineering of a dynamic seat prototype for the release of pressure in the seated area, carrying out programs in order to obtain extensive data from the sensor matrix in real time and ...
Diseño e implementación de una plataforma basada en IoT para la gestión de promociones de artículos en establecimientos comerciales
This project presents the implementation of a web platform made in Python, its IoT architecture and a mobile application that will improve worker interaction with said platform when managing promotional products, helping ...
Interfaces cerebro-computador para el reconocimiento automático del habla silenciosa.
(Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, 2019)
El estudio de los procesos cerebrales se aborda desde diferentes campos como la neurociencia, la biología, la ingeniería, la psicología, entre otras áreas de conocimiento. Se ha buscado diferentes técnicas para visualizar ...