Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 139
Redistribuição da preciptação em seringueira
The present work of research was developed in rubber tree plantation, clone RRIM 600, with 15 years of age, in the region of Jose Bonifácio - SP, situated 21°03′ latitude (s), 49°41′ of longitude (w) and 490 altitude of ...
Redistribuição da preciptação em seringueira
The present work of research was developed in rubber tree plantation, clone RRIM 600, with 15 years of age, in the region of Jose Bonifácio - SP, situated 21°03′ latitude (s), 49°41′ of longitude (w) and 490 altitude of ...
Canopy Interception for a Tallgrass Prairie under Juniper Encroachment
(Public Library Science, 2015-11-06)
Rainfall partitioning and redistribution by canopies are important ecohydrological processes underlying ecosystem dynamics. We quantified and contrasted spatial and temporal variations of rainfall redistribution for a ...
Interceptação da precipitação pelas copas em Pinus halepensis mill - Albacete - Espanha
Hydrological processes are essential in understanding the redistribution of water in the forest ecosystem. The objectives were to evaluate the precipitation, interceptation by canopies, the effective rainfall, water ...
Estimacion del indice de area foliar a traves de fotografia hemisferica y deshoje manual en manzanos y cerezosEstimation of leaf area index through hemispherical photography and leaf collection in apple and cherry trees
(Universidad de Talca (Chile). Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, 2005)
Stocking effects on seasonal tree transpiration and ecosystem water balance in a fast-growing Eucalyptus plantation in Brazil
High stocking short rotation plantations provide high yields for bioenergy use and have been adopted worldwide, especially in tropical areas. This silvicultural approach might alter ecosystem water balances compared with ...
High tree diversity enhances light interception in tropical forests
Understanding the processes that underlie the effects of tree diversity on primary production is of foremost importance to enhance climate change mitigation by tropical forests. Here, we investigated the effects of tree ...