Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1776
Mental health professionals’ attitudes towards mental illness: professional and cultural factors in the INTER NOS study
Research shows that personnel working in mental health facilities may share some of the societal prejudices towards mental illness. This might result in stigmatizing behaviours towards people suffering from ...
A acessibilidade pelas abordagens da arquitetura e da terapia ocupacional: sombreamento versus cooperação inter-disciplinar para a inclusão social
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2009-10-31)
This study aims at analyzing the development of professional performance in the fields of Architecture and Occupational Therapy. It includes a content analysis for comparison of course program syllabus of these two ...
Interdisciplinaridade: da formação a prática profissional em reabilitação em saúde
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBRFonoaudiologiaUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Distúrbios da Comunicação Humana, 2016-07-28)
The present study aimed to identify in the field of training and in the perception of rehabilitation professionals-physiotherapists, speech therapists and occupational therapists-South region of Brazil, as develops the ...
Psychic workloads and strain processes in nursing workers of brazilian university hospitals
(Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto / Universidade de São Paulo, 2011)
Objective: to identify the work process, the psychic workloads and the strains generated in nursing workers. Method: the study was developed in five Brazilian university hospitals. The sample was composed by 62 nursing ...
Macroprocess 13 Specialized Services for Institutional and Diplomatic Relations
(Carlos Figueroa Picado, 2022-05-03)
A Process Manual. It contains the flowcharts of activities, sub processes and processes that make up the Macroprocess 13 Specialized Services to Institutional and Diplomatic Relations
Lateral Preference and Inter-limb Asymmetry in Completing Technical Tasks During Official Professional Futsal Matches: The Role of Playing Position and Opponent Quality
This study had the purpose of analyzing dominant and non-dominant limb performances (frequency of use and accuracy) during match-play technical actions with ball possession (receiving, passing, and shooting a ball) in ...
Professor orientador de estágio curricular da área da saúde: trajetória profissional e modos de atuação
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilEducaçãoUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em EducaçãoCentro de Educação, 2019-07-24)
This investigation is associated to the Training, Knowledge and Professional Development Research Line of Post-Graduate Program in Education of Universidade Federal de Santa Maria/RS. The research has as focus the professional ...
Competência em informação dos profissionais que atuam em museus: contribuição com os fazeres museológicos em inter-relação com a aprendizagem e a comunidade de prática
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrasilECI - ESCOLA DE CIENCIA DA INFORMAÇÃOPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Gestão e Organização do ConhecimentoUFMG, 2022-02-16)
As in all domains, information is also crucial for the daily practice of the work of a museum
staff. The museum operational chain is preceded by the informational input for its realization.
In this context, information ...
The Three Dimensional Spiral of Sense: a New Paradigm Systemic Applied a Six Areas Disciplinares and Two Axis: Identity and Professionalization
(European Center for Science, Education and Research in Social Sciences, 2016-04)
This article introduces a new systemic theory called “The Three Dimensional Spiral of Sense”, applied to Identity and Professionalization. The epistemological mainstays of the theory are stressed here, a theory supported ...
Factores psicosociales presentes en el interés vocacional de jóvenes de un colegio de Norte de Santander
(Ediciones Universidad Simón BolívarFacultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales, 2020)
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo develar los factores psicosociales presentes en el interés vocacional de los estudiantes de undécimo grado del colegio Santiago Apóstol mediante entrevistas, contribuyendo a ...