Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 12
The development of a checklist to enhance methodological quality in intervention programs
(Frontiers Media S.A., 2016)
Reliability and inter-coders training in the analysis of football for blind persons [Entrenamiento y confiabilidad entre observadores en el análisis del fútbol para ciegos]
(Federacion Espanola de Docentes de Educacion Fisica, 2018)
Reliability of cause of death coding: an international comparison
(Cadernos Saude Publica, 2015)
This study evaluates the agreement of nosologic
coding of cardiovascular causes of death between a Chilean coder and one in the United States, in a stratified random sample of death certificates of persons aged ≥ 60, ...
PICCOLO's cross-cultural adaptation process implemented in Chile
Butingeneralt ...
Reliability of cause of death coding: An international comparison Confiabilidade de codificação das causas de óbito: Uma comparação internacional Concordancia en la codificación de causas de muerte: Una comparación internacional
(Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz, 2015)
© 2015,Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz. All rights reserved. This study evaluates the agreement of nosologic coding of cardiovascular causes of death between a Chilean coder and one in the United States, in a stratified random sample ...
The Development of a Checklist to Enhance Methodological Quality in Intervention Programs
The methodological quality of primary studies is an important issue when performing meta-analyses or systematic reviews. Nevertheless, there are no clear criteria for how methodological quality should be analyzed. Controversies ...
A categorização e a validação das respostas abertas em surveys políticosThe categorization and validation of open-ended questions in political surveysLa categorización y validación de las respuestas abiertas en encuestas políticasLa catégorisation et validation des réponses ouvertes dans les sondages politiques
(Universidade Federal do ParáBrasilUFPA, 2019)
Older adults’ accounts of the relationships between retirement timing and health: a descriptive qualitative analysis in Chile
(Cambridge University Press, 2020-10-23)
Retirement timing can have important health implications. Little is known, however, about older adults’ views on this issue and whether they consider it better to retire later, earlier, on time or anytime. This knowledge ...