Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 3812
Culture and discourse: a translinguistic analysis of teletandem interactions
(Editora Univ Pontificia Univ Catolica Rio Grande Sul-edipucrs, 2016-01-01)
The Project entitled Teletandem and Transculturality in online interaction in foreign languages by webcam has been developed since 2010 and has put learners of foreign languages in Brazil in touch with learners of Portuguese ...
Deconstructing teachers’ discourse to promote inclusive solidarity relationship in mainstream classrooms
(Facultad de Educación y Ciencias HumanasMontería, Córdoba, ColombiaMaestría en Enseñanza del Inglés, 2022)
El patio iluminado, by Manuel Mujica Láinez. Modelling of an Integrated Discourse AnalysisEl patio iluminado, de Manuel Mujica Láinez. Modelización de un análisis integral del discurso
(Centro de Investigación y Docencia en Educación (CIDE), 2016)
Uma herança de direitos abstratos: o discurso integracionista no estatuto do índio (1973) e seus efeitos de sentido
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilLetrasUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em LetrasCentro de Artes e Letras, 2018-02-26)
The present master thesis in Linguistics Studies was developed along with theoretical and methodological framework of Discourse Analysis (DA), which has been developed in Brazil based on Michel Pêcheux’s studies, in order ...
Improving Written Argumentative Synthesis by Teaching the Integration of Conflicting Information from Multiple Sources
The goal of this study was to assess the effectiveness of 2 different types of intervention aimed at improving written argumentative synthesis by integrating conflicting information from different sources. Both interventions ...
Studies on the establishment of connections among spoken statements: what can they contribute to the promotion of students’ construction of a coherent discourse representation?Estudios acerca del establecimiento de conexiones entre enunciados hablados: ¿qué pueden contribuir a la promoción de la construcción de una representación coherente del discurso por parte de los estudiantes?
(Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Madrid, 2013-12)
The aim of this article is to provide an overview of how the establishment of discourse connections among spoken statements has been studied by approaches to discourse analysis and psycholinguistic studies, in order to ...
Discourse Theory: Language, Politics, and SocietyTeoría del discurso: lenguaje, política y sociedad
The importance of studying the role of filled pauses in the construction of a coherent representation of spontaneous spoken discourse
(Taylor & Francis, 2021-03)
Filled pauses indicate that the speaker is searching for information or deciding how to continue. In this review, we summarize recent research on the production and comprehension of these pauses. We also present studies ...