Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 22527
Variables predicting participation in institutional academic support services (IAS)
Perceived Preparedness of Dental Academic Institutions to Cope with the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Multi-Country Survey
(MDPI, 2021)
Dental academic institutions are affected by COVID-19. We assessed the perceived COVID-19 preparedness of these institutions and the characteristics of institutions with greater perceived preparedness. An international ...
Construction of the dispositions of institutional habitus in the academic field
This paper describes the main phases of development of an Institute of Chemistry in relation with national policy from the academic field. Its history begins with a proposal to meet the demand for chemistry teacher education ...
Institutional repositories and Higher Education in Uganda. The role of the Consortium of Uganda University Libraries (CUUL)
(Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), 2012-09)
Objective: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the progress so far made by Uugandan universities in establishing Institutional Repositories (IRs) Methods: A questionnaire was designed and distributed among the ...
Norman E. Borlaug visit to IIMI Research Program
(CIMMYT, 2019)
Institutional influence of academics in Argentinean public universities in a context of external controlArgentinos valstybinių universitetų mokslininkų ir dėstytojų įtaka institucijai išorės kontrolės kontekste
(Vilnius University Press, 2021-09)
The paper studies the institutional influence of academics in Argentina within a context of increasing external control as a consequence of deep public reforms in the Higher Education system. Drawing on data from the ...
Features of institutional autonomy of the Kazakhstan’s universities
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
Communicative strategies and the english academic performance of the fifth-year secondary school students at the Educational Institution N ° 88320 San Bartolo – Santa 2018
(Universidad Nacional del Santa, 2021)
Communicative Language Teaching approach got importance thanks to the
development of four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) equally.
Likewise, Communicative strategies develop English at a communicative ...