Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 3744
Aggravated Damages, Punitive Damages e a função punitiva no Direito Civil brasileiro
(Florianópolis,SC, 2016)
Damage Prognosis: For Aerospace, Civil and Mechanical Systems
Damage prognosis is a natural extension of damage detection and structural health monitoring and is forming a growing part of many businesses. This comprehensive volume presents a series of fundamental topics that define ...
A multiaxial fatigue damage model for isotropic materials
This paper presents a novel damage mechanics based failure model enabling the prediction of low cycle fatigue life and residual strength of isotropic structures under multiaxial loading. The approach herein proposed does ...
Damage Quantification in Composite Structures Using Autoregressive Models
When small damage is detected in its initial stage in a real structure, it is necessary to decide if the user must repair immediately or keep on safely monitoring it. Regarding the second choice, the present paper proposes ...
Polynomial Chaos-Kriging metamodel for quantification of the debonding area in large wind turbine blades
This study aims to investigate the performance of a data-driven methodology for quantifying damage based on the use of a metamodel obtained from the Polynomial Chaos-Kriging method. The investigation seeks to quantify the ...
A Banaliza????o do Instituto do Dano Moral
(Faculdade de DireitoNUMAC - N??cleo de Monografia e Atividades ComplementaresUFBAbrasil, 2018-10-30)
El Concepto de los daños punitivos o Punitive DamagesThe concept of punitive damagesO conceito de danos punitivos ou Punitive Damages
(Universidad del Rosario, 2010)
In the field of liability, continental legal systems have evolved from the acknowledgement of the need to provide damages to the victim of a not lawful action toward the idea of adjudicating moral damages. However, this ...
Evaluation report of the e-learning course on Damage and Loss Assessment Methodology and planning for disaster risk reduction : Latin American and Caribbean Institute for Economic and Social Planning (ILPES) online platform
(ECLAC, Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean, 2020-07-13)