Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 7031
Gerenciamiento Institucional
(Universidad de Belgrano. Programas de las Materias - Facultad de Humanidades – Carrera de Licenciatura en Relaciones públicas e institucionales, Plan 2008.)
- Introducir a los estudiantes en la problemática general de la construcción identitaria desde las relaciones públicas.
- Identificar y diferenciar los conceptos de identidad institucional y visual.
- ...
Girl YouTubers in Peru as economic agents negotiating gender and class identities
(SAGE Publications LtdGB, 2021)
The study examines the role of children as producers, distributors, and consumers in the digital realm. Additionally, it also explores class and gender identities they create and perform in this modality. We focus on young ...
Signature pedagogies: exploring how industrial designers acquire their professional culture and identity
This paper explores the conditions in which Industrial
Design (ID) students acquire the identity and culture
associated with their profession. For this purpose, the
author uses—as a framework—the concept of signature
Territory, Territorialization, Appropriation, Identity, City-Region
This paper explores the territorialities present in the Eje Cafetero's city region, an urban system located in Colombia's center-west expressed in the relations of appropriation and identity manifested by its inhabitants. ...
Identidad de la Universidad de Chile: una tarea hermenéutica
(Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, 2011)
Este trabajo ejemplifica brevemente los rasgos del nihilismo mediante la escena del loco
descrita por Nietzsche en La Gaya Ciencia. Analiza la crisis de la personalidad histórica
de los pueblos derivada del proceso de ...
Performativity and National Identity: Japan’s Domestic Policies
(Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales., 2018)
A identidade docente aos olhos das criançasThe teachers’ identity under the eyes of children
(Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade Comunitária da Região de Chapecó (UNOCHAPECÓ), 2018)