Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 493
Uma análise de integração de técnicas de seleção dinâmica na construção de um sistema de classificação
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNPROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM SISTEMAS E COMPUTAÇÃO, 2021-07-30)
The use of dynamic selection techniques, for attributes or members of an ensemble,
has appeared in several works in the literature as a mechanism to increase the accuracy of rating
ensembles. Individually, each of these ...
Usando medidas de dificuldade de instâncias em curriculum learning
(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2023-05-29)
As Redes Neurais Profundas (Deep Learning Networks) têm apresentado resultados no estado da arte em diversas tarefas desafiadoras, como na análise e classificação de imagens, vídeos e texto. Contudo, o seu treinamento é ...
Challenges in automatic peer review
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrasilICX - DEPARTAMENTO DE CIÊNCIA DA COMPUTAÇÃOPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da ComputaçãoUFMG, 2022-04-22)
O processo de revisão por pares é o principal recurso acadêmico para garantir que a ciência avance e seja divulgada. Para contribuir com esse importante processo, trabalhos foram realizados para criar modelos de classificação ...
Selecting the Right Tool for the Task: A Hard-Soft Cake Eating Experiment with a Spoon and Fork
It is generally accepted that one need to select the correct tool for a given task. The same holds for eating utensils. A cake eating experiment was designed to determine if the visual appearance of cakes with different ...
The minimization of open stacks problem: A review of some properties and their use in pre-processing operations
(Elsevier B.V., 2010-06-16)
Pre-processing operations that reduce the size of a problem may be decisive for solving or not solving practical instances of a NP-hard problem. In this article we review some properties suggested in the literature for the ...
Single-commodity robust network design problem: Complexity, instances and heuristic solutions
(SPRINGER, 2009)
Constraint Directed Network Artificial Immune System is an artificial immune algorithm, recently proposed, to solve constraint satisfaction problems. The algorithm has shown to be able to solve hard instances. However, ...
Feasibility and Availability based Heuristics for ACO algorithms solving Binary CSP
A Constraint Satisfaction Problem is composed by a set of variables, their related domains and a set of constraints among the variables that must be satisfied. These are known as hard problems to be solved. Many algorithms ...
Analysis and optimization of highly reliable systems
(Udelar.FI.INCO, 2018)
In the field of network design, the survivability property enables the network to maintain a certain level of network connectivity and quality of service under failure conditions. In this thesis, survivability aspects of ...