Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 52
Traces within traces: holes, pits and galleries in walls and fillings of insect trace fossils in paleosols
(Universidad de Barcelona, 2003-12)
Fossil insect nests with constructed walls (ichnogenera Uruguay ROSELLI 1938, Palmiraichnus ROSELLI 1987, Rosellichnus GENISE and BOWN 1996), as well as fossil brood masses from dung beetles (Monesichnus ROSELLI 1987) often ...
Paleoenvironments and ichnotaxonomy of insect trace fossils in continental mudflat deposits of the Miocene Calatayud–Daroca Basin, Zaragoza, Spain
(Elsevier Science, 2014-11)
The Miocene continental deposits in the Orera area, Calatayud–Daroca Basin, are composed of red and brown mudstones deposited in the dry mudflat, sepiolite and dolomicrites deposited in periodically desiccated alkaline ...
Walking on ashes: insect trace fossils from Laetoli indicate poor grass cover associated with early hominin environments
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2018-07)
More than 4000 insect trace fossils collected in recent years from Pliocene deposits at Laetoli in northern Tanzania provide new insights on early hominin palaeoenvironments. These trace fossils include: Fictovichnus ...
Insect trace fossils in Pleistocene deposits from the Pityusic Islands (Balearic Archipelago, Western Mediterranean): Ichnotaxonomy and palaeoenvironmental significance
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2020-07)
Insect trace fossils attributable to the Celliforma ichnofacies (Rebuffoichnus casamiquelai and Palmiraichnus castellanosi) are recorded from the Pleistocene deposits of nine sites from the Pityusic islands. These deposits, ...
Insect Trace Fossil Associations in Paleosols: The Coprinisphaera Ichnofacies
(Society for Sedimentary Geology, 2000-02)
Analysis of fifty-eight paleosol trace fossil assemblages, ranging from the Triassic to the Recent, allows refinement of continental ichnofacies models and the proposal of a Coprinisphaera ichnofacies. The Coprinisphaera ...
A leafcutter bee trace fossil from the middle eocene of patagonia, Argentina, and a review of Megachilid (Hymenoptera) ichnology
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2008-07)
The ichnospecies Phagophytichnus pseudocircus isp. nov. is described to include trace fossils characterized by leaf-margin excisions showing eccentricity values of 0.35-0.65 and more than 270 degrees of an arc, a non cuspate ...
(Polish Geological Soc, 2020-01-01)
The Upper Cretaceous Capacete Formation, from the intracratonic Sanfranciscana Basin, central Brazil, consists of epiclastic sediments with a significant aeolian contribution. This unit has been traditionally interpreted ...
An assemblage of large-sized insect traces in paleosols from the middle miocene of northern Patagonia related to the climatic optimum
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2021-08)
A new assemblage of large insect trace fossils is recognized in paleosols of the middle Miocene pyroclastic deposits from extra-Andean north Patagonia. This assemblage includes Racemusichnus jacobacciensis igen. isp. nov., ...
El registre paleontologic de l'illa d'Eivissa a jaciments litorals plesitocensThe paleontological data of ibiza island at pleistocene coastal sites
(Societat D'Historia Natural de les Balears, 2017-12)
Es presenta des d’una visió històrica, l’estudi del registre paleontològic del Pleistocè de l’illa d’Eivissa, des dels seus inicis a finals del segle XIX fins l’actualitat, per després comentar els jaciments de platja i ...
Insect trace fossils in aeolian deposits and calcretes from the Canary Islands: their ichnotaxonomy, producers, and palaeoenvironmental significance
(Elsevier, 2013-05-01)
Insect trace fossils from Canary Islands have been known and discussed since the beginnings of the last century. The most common and widespread morphologies have been tentatively referred to the ichnogenera Celliforma, ...