Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 10177
Oral History and Informal Education
(Daily Express, 2005-04)
This article reaffirms oral history as a vital part of the informal education process in Trinidad and Tobago
Descripción archivística de documentos orales
(Universidad de La Salle. Ediciones Unisalle, 17 d)
Oral health practices and beliefs among caregivers of the dependent elderly
(Blackwell Pub, 2012)
Background: Caregivers deal with oral health care of the dependent elderly; however, this has a low
priority among them, and their education in daily oral care is deficient. Therefore, studying the oral care
practices ...
The influence of information GAP activities in the development of oral interaction.
(Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación, 2022-09)
Oral interaction in a new language is one of the most important skills when it comes to learning. However, it remains one of the most difficult and complicated to interact fluently in a class, which causes demotivation in ...
Gêneros orais como possibilidade de desenvolver práticas de leitura e escrita
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáMedianeiraBrasilEducação: Métodos e Técnicas de EnsinoUTFPR, 2014-10-18)
This work was thematic reflection on the discursive and linguistic competence that needs to be developed in the school, as it is still confused with the activities of reading aloud and informal conversations, we do not ...
Sistema ilustrado para promocionar la tradición oral de la ciudad de Cuenca
Cuenca is a really charming city: for the ones who were born in here and the
ones who didn’t. Something very special about this town are the places and
the stories that it hides, as you may say; the oral tradition. Oral ...
Oral verruciform xanthoma: a case report and literature review
Oral verruciform xanthoma represents an uncommon entity, which affects mainly oral mucosa. This paper presents the major clinical and histological features of oral verruciform xanthoma and reports a case on the tongue. The ...
Inserções: contribuições argumentativas em um discurso oral
(Campo Mourao, 2011-01)
Inserts are characterized for promoting a better interaction and they facilitate the
acceptance of what a speaker says to his listeners. Inserts reduce the flow of information, because they are inserted in the middle of ...