Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 16580
Collaborative Geographic Information Systems for Business Intelligence
This paper shows a number of sceneries where
information (specifically, geographical-related information) is
lost because there is no method for storing or sharing it. This
research has been done with the aim to solve ...
Spatial clustering applied to health area
The significant volume of work accidents in the cities causes an expressive loss to society. The development of Spatial Data Mining technologies presents a new perspective for the extraction of knowledge from the correlation ...
Spatial clustering applied to health area
The significant volume of work accidents in the cities causes an expressive loss to society. The development of Spatial Data Mining technologies presents a new perspective for the extraction of knowledge from the correlation ...
Architecture for the integration of geographic digital libraries through geoprocessing mechanisms in the context of information scienceArquitetura Para Integração De Bibliotecas Digitais Geográficas Por Meio De Mecanismos De Geoprocessamento E A Ciência Da Informação
Objective: Build a conceptual architecture, with elements for the creation of a Digital Geographic Library, using the patterns and concepts of Information Science in conjunction with Geoprocessing. Methods: Through a ...
Compactness in spatial decision support: A literature review
The development of Spatial Decision Support Systems (SDSSs) which explicitly consider spatial relations has had a significant growth over recent years. The main intention of this paper is reviewing spatial optimization ...
(Univ Federal Fluminense, 2017-09-01)
Think the map is think of it as the freight forwarding, forces of lines/bodies affect and point to senses of place and spatial orientation. Unfolds that the maps are not restricted to flat representation of the Earth's ...
Sistemas de informações geográficas: elementos para o desenvolvimento de bibliotecas digitais geográficas distribuídas
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2006-08-29)
The development of technologies of information and communication applied to the Geographical information grow in a considerable way and become more visible the increase of Geographic Information Systems, mainly in governments ...
Sistemas de informações geográficas: elementos para o desenvolvimento de bibliotecas digitais geográficas distribuídas
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2006-08-29)
The development of technologies of information and communication applied to the Geographical information grow in a considerable way and become more visible the increase of Geographic Information Systems, mainly in governments ...