Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 815
Ansiedad en estudiantes de tercer grado de educación primaria de la institución educativa N° 1110 “República de Panamá” de Lima Metropolitana
El presente trabajo de investigación titulado “Ansiedad en estudiantes de tercer grado de educación primaria de la Institución Educativa N° 1110 República de Panamá de Lima Metropolitana”, tuvo como objetivo determinar el ...
La ansiedad infantil en los niños de primer año de educación general básica
Various studies show the presence of anxiety among children, this anxiety reaches significant levels and should be treated with the importance it deserves. With this background was conducted this research entitled Childhood ...
Kindergarten children’s math anxiety and its relationship with mathematical performance
There is limited evidence on the occurrence of math anxiety among kindergarten children. This study sought to measure the occurrence of math anxiety in this group by adapting a math anxiety scale to Chilean children and ...
Kindergarten children’s math anxiety and its relationship with mathematical performance
(De Gruyter, 2023)
There is limited evidence on the occurrence of math anxiety among kindergarten children. This study sought to measure the occurrence of math anxiety in this group by adapting a math anxiety scale to Chilean children and ...
Análise da relação entre a ansiedade e o desempenho em jogadores de futebol de campo: categoria infantil
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCuritibaDepartamento Acadêmico de Educação Física, 2014-12-16)
Anxiety is characterized as a vague feeling of nervousness, something that comes in times of pressure, which can generate uncertainty, leaving the athlete not knowing how to act in certain situations causing an unpleasant ...
O projeto brincar e sorrir para adaptação da criança à assistência odontológica
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2015-09-09)
The project 's goal is an Adaptation and The Children upgrading the paragraph Dental Care and the Graduate Student Training paragraph run.
Estudio comparativo: ansiedad infantil en los contextos urbano-rural
(Riobamba, 2021)